4.3 How to Assign Mapping Groups to Replication Path

Mapping group is assigned in the solution editor. To assign a local or global mapping group to a replication path, drag the mapping group from the Projects Navigator or Global Resource Library and drop on the replication path or data server in the solution editor. If dropped onto a data server, the mapping group will be automatically associated with every replication path connecting that data server. If dropped on the replication path arrow, the association will be only for that path. You can drag the same mapping group and drop on multiple paths and data servers. These associations are by reference and not copies. Any change to the mapping group is automatically reflected in every replication patch associated with that mapping group.

To remove a mapping group from a replication path, select the replication path in the solution editor and in the Properties Inspector you will see a list of all replication path mapping associations. Select the desired mapping group name and click the red X icon to delete. A confirmation dialog appears.

In the Properties Inspector of the replication path, there is a green + icon, which provides an alternative way to add an association between a mapping group and replication path. When the + icon is selected, through a dialog box you can add association for local and global mappings to this replication path.