2 Get Started

2.1 About Login Accounts and Access

All users can access Argus Insight directly by using the Argus Insight application URL. Argus Insight checks if the Enterprise ID is already present in the incoming request. If the Enterprise ID exists, the system opens Argus Insight for that enterprise.

2.1.1 System Administrator Account

The Argus Insight installation program creates a system administrator account (Admin) that is synced from Argus Safety through Schema Creation and Initial ETL.

The administrator account cannot be deleted. This restriction ensures that the system administrator can always log in to the system. In a given session, only one system administrator can log in to the system.

You can access Argus Insight through Argus Safety. This feature enables you to use a single login user name and password for all Argus modules. The modules that are enabled when you log in to Argus Safety depend on your access rights to Argus modules.

2.1.2 Single Sign-On Accounts

System administrators can create a user account that allows you to log in to Argus Insight, as well as other Argus applications, using the same user name and password. This type of account is a single sign-on account, or SSO account.

For single sign-on accounts, note that:

  • A user's login authentication is done by a centralized authentication system. Therefore, users do not need to enter their login credentials for each application they access, every single time. Cognos uses the Power Reports namespace.

  • The system administrator defines access to the modules in User Maintenance. If you are assigned to more than one group, the system grants you the highest access level.

    • Based on your access rights to modules, the system enables or disables the application buttons access rights in the menus.

    • Group access permissions are assigned in web administration.

  • If you have access to Argus Safety or Argus Insight, you can start the application modules.

  • In User Maintenance, the system administrator can link the Argus Safety database and the Argus Insight data mart. When you log in, the system identifies the available application modules for each Argus instance.

  • When you click the application module, the system opens a new window where you can work on the other application (Argus Insight or Argus Safety).

  • When you start another application through Argus, or vice versa, the application module buttons do not appear in the new windows because you are already logged in to the earlier application.

  • The initial login screen is the starting dialog box for all the other modules.

  • Logout is available only on the parent application dialog box. Logging out of the parent application dialog box closes all child dialog boxes without saving information in the child applications.

  • Argus Insight Session Timeout

    You can now configure a value for session expiry time in Argus Safety, based on which the idle session for the configured time is handled. When Single Sign On or Load Balancer is enabled in Argus Safety and Argus Insight, Argus Insight extends the session timeout in Argus Safety, and you may continue the work.

    If both Argus Safety and Argus Insight are idle for the configured time, a warning message appears in Argus Safety stating whether you want to continue the work or not. If you do not click on Continue, the session expires, and Argus Insight is closed.

    However, when Argus Insight > Medical Review screen is opened through Argus Safety, Argus Safety treats this time as idle and a warning message appears.

    If the Medical Review screen is left idle as well, then two separate dialog boxes appears for both Argus Safety and Argus Insight > Medical Review screen.

2.2 Log In to the Argus Insight Application

  1. Open Microsoft Internet Explorer, and enter the Argus Insight Universal Resource Locator (URL) in the address bar.

    If you do not know the URL, contact your system administrator configures the URL.

    The system uses Secure Socket Layers (SSL) to support third-party digital certificates for secure transmissions at the system level.

  2. Press Enter.

    Argus Insight Login screen appears.

  3. Enter user name and password.

  4. Click Login.

    The FILTER LIBRARY page appears.

    To make another page as your default Home page, refer to "Change the Default Home Page".

2.3 Set Up Your Personal Options

Use the Personal Options tab on the ADMINISTRATION TOOLS page to:

  • Specify the default Home page for Argus Insight

  • Specify whether the system prompts you for confirmation before overwriting saved case series or queries

  • View the groups for which you are a member


The options available in the Overwrite Confirmation section may vary based on the Argus Insight Data Source (Insight Mart/Argus Mart/Both).

2.3.1 Change the Default Home Page

The default Argus Insight Home page is the FILTER LIBRARY page.

To change the default Home page:

  1. Click Tools on the global toolbar.

    The ADMINISTRATION TOOLS page appears with the Personal Options tab in focus.

  2. In the Homepage field, select a page from the drop-down list.

  3. Click OK.

    The default Home page is updated as per the selection, and a confirmation dialog box appears.

  4. Click OK to close the dialog box.

Alternative Method to Selecting a Home Page

Alternatively, click Home on the global toolbar to make the current page as your default Home page.

Note that if you cannot make the current page as your Home page, an informational message appears when you hover Home.

2.3.2 Change Your Preferences for Overwrite Confirmation

When you save your modifications to an existing case series, a QBE, a filter, or an advanced condition, Argus Insight saves your changes directly without prompting you to confirm whether you want to overwrite the existing one. This behavior is the default.

You can choose to have Argus Insight display a confirmation dialog box before overwriting a saved case series or query.

To change whether the system prompts for confirmation:

  1. Click Tools on the global toolbar.

    The ADMINISTRATION TOOLS page appears with the Personal Options tab in focus.

  2. In the Overwrite Confirmation section, select the check boxes to define your preferences, and click OK.

    The confirmation dialog box appears.

  3. Click OK to close the dialog box.

2.3.3 View Group Memberships

The Group Membership list on the Personal Options tab displays the names of the groups to which you belong.

Group memberships are managed from the Security tab on the ADMINISTRATION TOOLS page. Only a system administrator can manage users and groups.

2.4 Enter Dates in Argus Insight Date Fields

Several fields in Argus Insight are date fields. Some date fields require a full date; other date fields accept a partial date.

Entering a Full Date

For fields that require a full date, you must enter the date in the following format:



dd = Day of the month.
mmm = 3-letter abbreviation for the month. For example, FEB or AUG.

You may also enter a valid month number. In this case, the system converts the number to the 3-letter abbreviation for the corresponding month. For example, the system converts 12 to DEC.

yyyy = 4-digit year. For example, 1998 or 2012.

Enter Today's Date

To enter today's date in a date field, press the = (equals) key.

Enter a Partial Date

For fields that accept a partial date, Argus Insight displays ??-???-0000 in the field.

For reporting purposes, missing days of the month are approximated to the 15th of the month and missing months are approximated to the month of June.

Valid partial dates must comprise either a year, or a year and a month. If you enter the day, you also need to enter the month.

To enter a date that includes only the month and year (for example, March 2012), you may enter any one of the following sequences:

  • /MAR2012

  • /32012

  • /312

  • 00MAR2012

  • 0032012

  • 00312

  • ??MAR2012

  • ??32012

  • ??312

To enter a date that includes only the year (for example 2012), you may enter any one of the following sequences:

  • //2012

  • //12

  • 00002012

  • 000012

  • ?? ???2012

  • ?? ???12

  • ??2012

  • ??12

Table 2-1 lists the fields in the tabs on the QUERY BY EXAMPLE page, which is similar to the Argus case form, that accept partial dates.

Table 2-1 QBE Fields that Accept a Partial Date

QBE Tab Section Name Field Name


General Information

Initial Receipt Date, Central Receipt Date, Follow-up Received, Safety Received, Aware Date

Study Information

Unblinding Date

Patient, Patient

Patient Details

Date of Birth, Date of LMP

Lab Data


Other Relevant History

Start, Stop Date

Patient, Parent

Parent Information

Date of Birth, Date of LMP

Other Relevant History

Start, Stop Date


Dosage Regimens

Start Date/Time, Stop Date/Time, Expiration Date

Product Details

First Dose, Last Dose, Date, Start Date/Time, Stop Date/Time


Event Information

Onset Date/Time, Receipt Date, Stop Date/Time


Contact Log

Date, Date Start

Action Items

Date Open, Due, Completed

Case Lock/Archive

Lock Date, Closure Date

2.5 View the Database Name and Argus Insight Release

To view the name of the database and the release of Argus Insight that you are using, position the cursor over Help on the global toolbar:

2.6 View the Online Help

To view the online help, click Help on the global toolbar.

Depending on your privileges, the system opens either the user's guide or the administrator's guide in HTML format. Use the Contents, Next, and Previous links, as well as the links on the Contents page and throughout the document, to navigate to topics and pages in the guide.

2.7 Extend Argus Insight Features

For instructions on creating custom reports, as well as customizing code lists and the ETL, refer to the Oracle Argus Insight 8.2 Extensibility Guide.