14 Install and Configure Oracle B2B

You can install either Oracle B2B or Axway B2Bi for E2B reports exchange.

14.1 Install Oracle B2B

Refer to Oracle B2B Installation Guide.

14.2 Integrate Oracle B2B with Argus Safety

The entire integration process can broadly be categorized under the following steps:

  1. Creation of integration tables in B2B Schema through provided scripts

  2. Oracle B2B UI Configuration

    1. General Configuration

    2. Document Configuration

  3. Enterprise Manager Configuration

    1. SOA Composites Deployment

    2. SOA Composites Configuration

  4. Web Logic Console Configuration

    1. Data Sources and JNDI Configuration

  5. Large Payload Configuration

  6. Configuration on Argus Safety side

14.3 Create Integration tables in B2B Schema

There are a few database objects which are created in the ESM Schema for outbound file integration as part of the Argus Safety installation. However, a few database objects need to be created in B2B Schema for inbound files integration.

After Argus Safety is installed, locate DB Script B2B_setup.bat under <Argus Install Folder>\Oracle\Argus\DBInstaller\Utilities\B2B_Setup\.

Double-click it to provide database details of B2B. This is recommended to be installed under SOA_INFRA Schema of B2B database instance.

This script creates the following database objects required to integrate incoming files data:



14.4 Configure Oracle B2B User Interface

Log in to Oracle B2B UI as an admin user.

14.4.1 General Configuration > Administration > Configuration

  1. Under the Non Purgeable section, set Use JMS Queue as default to True.

  2. Under the Miscellaneous section, set Additional MIME Types to application/octet-stream : application/pdf.

  3. Under the Performance section, set Large Payload Directory to the desired location.

    It is recommended to set it, even if large payloads are not likely to be received.

14.4.2 Document Configuration > Administration > Document

There can be one document type configured for each of the following categories, as transmitted and received from Argus Safety:

  1. XML—for E2B Message and Acknowledgments

    1. SGML files with no EDI Header and Footer are also categorized under this category.

  2. Zip—for PMDA E2B Message files

  3. PDF—for E2B R2 Attachments

    1. The Zip and PDF may be combined together under one category since both are binary documents. One common doc type may be sufficient for them.

  4. EDI files—for those E2B Reporting Destinations in Argus Console for which EDI Header and footer is checked. If there is no such Reporting Destination, this document type need not be created. Identification Types for EDI Files can be given as:

    1. Identification Start Position = 1

    2. Identification End Position = 3

    3. Identification Value = UNB

Besides this, XML, EDI, and Binary should be created as separate document types rather than as different document definitions under one document type.

14.5 Configure Enterprise Manager

14.5.1 Deploy SOA Composite

The Argus Safety build provide the following composites to integrate Oracle B2B:

  • sca_AS_BPEL_Outbound_rev1.0.jar—for all outbound traffic from Argus Safety

  • sca_AS_BPEL_Inbound_rev1.0.jar—for all inbound traffic from Argus Safety

The files are available in <Install Directory>\Support\OracleB2B.

To deploy SOA composites:

  1. Log in to Enterprise Manager as Admin user.

  2. Locate the domain under which composites are to be deployed.

  3. Right-click and select SOA Deployment > Deploy To This Partition.

  4. Select the path of the JAR file and click Next to deploy the JAR file.

  5. Repeat the above process to deploy the other JAR file.

14.5.2 Configure SOA Composite

There are certain parameters for the deployed composites which need to be modified as per the Customer Environment. AS_BPEL_Outbound Composite

  1. In the Enterprise Manager, under deployed domain, right-click AS_BPEL_Outbound and click Service/Reference Properties.

  2. Select AS_FileAdapter.

    1. Change PhysicalDirectory and PhysicalArchiveDirectory to the desired location.

      Do not change other properties.

    2. Argus Safety may create outbound files under the same or under any of the child directories of the above specified directory.

  3. B2B_DBAdapter should NOT be changed for any of the properties.

  4. B2B_JMSAdapter can be changed, but only if required. AS_BPEL_Inbound Composite

In the Enterprise Manager, under deployed domain, right-click AS_BPEL_Inbound and click Service/Reference Properties.

  1. Select AS_FileAdapter.

    1. Set PhysicalDirectory as the top level folder under which all the incoming files are dropped by B2B.

      Do not change other properties.

  2. Select LargeFileReader.

    1. The PhysicalDirectory should be the same as Large Payload Directory under Oracle B2B UI > Administration > Configuration > Performance section.

      Do not change other properties.

  3. B2B_DBAdapter should NOT be changed for any of the properties.

  4. B2B_Inbound can be changed, but only if required.

14.6 Configure Web Logic Console

Log in to Web Logic Console to create the following data sources and JNDI configuration.

14.6.1 Data source with JNDI Name as 'eis/DB/ArgusSafety_Outbound'

This is hard coded JNDI Identifier being used inside AS_BPEL_Outbound SOA Composite for outbound files. This should point to a data source which has all access to the Argus Safety database table B2B_ARGUSSAFETY_OUTBOUND under ESM Schema. This table is available as part of the Argus Safety installation.

The configuration is validated with xADataSource property filled with a data source using database driver as 'Oracle's Driver (Thin XA) for instance connection; Version: 9.0.1 and later'.

14.6.2 Data source as 'jdbc/ArgusSafety_Inbound'

This is a hard coded data source being used inside AS_BPEL_Inbound SOA composite for inbound files. This should point to a data source which has access "all access" on the integration database table B2B_ARGUSSAFETY_INBOUND and the sequence S_B2B_ARGUSSAFETY_INBOUND. These are created as part of the script.

Besides, the same data source can be used as an underlying data source under the following:

The configuration is validated with database driver chosen as "Oracle's Driver (Thin XA) for instance connection; Version:9.0.1 and later".

14.6.3 Data source with JNDI Name as 'eis/DB/ArgusSafety_Inbound'

This is hard coded JNDI Identifier being used inside sca_AS_BPEL_Inbound_rev1.0.jar for inbound files. This should point to a data source which has access "all access" on the B2B database table B2B_ARGUSSAFETY_INBOUND and for Sequence S_B2B_ARGUSSAFETY_INBOUND created under the step above "Creation of integration tables in B2B Schema".

The data source created in the above section "jdbc/ArgusSafety_Inbound" can be used as a data source here.

The configuration is validated with xADataSource property filled with a data source using database driver as "Oracle's Driver (Thin XA) for instance connection; Version: 9.0.1 and later".

14.6.4 DB Adapters for Data Source

Navigate to Deployments > Summary of Deployments > DbAdapter > Configuration > Outbound Connection Pools, and verify that the DB Adapters are present for the data sources created in the previous sections.

Make sure that the data source name (JNDI Name) has been configured in the property 'XADataSourceName'. If not present, then create a data source with the name 'eis/DB/ArgusSafety_Outbound' and 'eis/DB/ArgusSafety_Inbound' respectively for the corresponding data sources name populated in 'XADataSourceName'.

14.7 Configure Large Payload Exchange

For B2B, a large payload is a file bigger than the configured size in B2B UI > Administration > Configuration > Performance section.

Argus Safety can send large files if E2B R2 Attachments are configured or E2B R3 or eVAERS files are exchanged. With other scenarios, generally, large payloads may not be applicable.

14.7.1 Outbound Files

Select Trading Partner > Channel > Channel Attributes > Ack Mode to be Async.

This configuration is good even if large payloads are not supposed to be exchanged.

14.7.2 Inbound Files

  1. Log in to the Enterprise Manager.

  2. Go to SOA > (Domain) > SOA Administration > B2B Server Properties.

  3. On the right side, under the Operation tab, click addProperty to add a new property called b2b.setisLargePayloadPropertyForSmallMsg with value as True.

  4. The Large Payload Directory configuration should be the same for B2B Web UI > Administration > Configuration > Performance section, and also for Enterprise Manager > SOA > (Domain) > AS_BPEL_INBOUND > LargeFileReader PhysicalDirectory property.

Both these configurations are required, even if large payloads are not expected to be exchanged.

14.7.3 Transaction Time

Log in to Web Logic Console > (Domain) > Services > JTA > Timeout Seconds. Set the time to 720 seconds to allow processing of large pay loads. This has been tested with 20 MB files.

This may have to be tuned if transaction time-out errors occur for the same size or larger size files.

14.7.4 General B2B Settings for Large Payloads

If required, go through other general Oracle B2B configuration for large payload, available with Oracle B2B documentation.

14.8 Configurations for Argus Safety

14.8.1 Configure Oracle B2B

  1. Log in to ESM Mapping Utility as an ESM Admin user.

  2. Go to Administrator Menu > Setup INI file > EDI Section.

  3. Select Oracle B2B as the EDI Gateway.

    The Oracle B2B database details should be provided for a User who has all access on the following:

    • B2B_ARGUSSAFETY_INBOUND table (all access)

    • B2B_INSTANCEMESSAGE table (read access)

14.8.2 Update for B2B Documents

Manually update document in the Argus Safety database table B2B_ARGUSSAFETY_DOC under ESM Schema as mentioned in Oracle B2B UI > Configuration > Document.

The following table list the sample factory data:

Doc_ID Doc_Type Doc_Revision Comments (Not a column)
1 AS_XmlDoc ArgusSafety_1.0 Xml for E2B Message and Acknowledgments
2 AS_BinaryDoc ArgusSafety_1.0 Zip for PMDA E2B Message files
3 AS_BinaryDoc ArgusSafety_1.0 PDF for E2B Attachments
4 AS_EDIDoc ArgusSafety_1.0 EDI files

  • The Admin should update only Doc_Type and Doc_Revision columns from B2B UI.

  • The Doc ID column must not be updated as new Doc ID is not supported.

  • the mapping between Doc ID and other columns is assumed to be exactly as provided in the sample above. For example:

    • Doc_ID = 1 should not point to Binary Docs.

    • Doc ID = 2 and Doc ID = 3 can point to the same or different doc type and doc version but neither of these should be left blank.

    • Doc_ID=4 may be left blank, if there is no Reporting Destination with EDI Header and Footer configuration.

This information is picked up by outbound SOA Composite at run time to dynamically attach Document Type and Document Version properties to outgoing file via JMS.

14.8.3 Argus Console > Reporting Destination Code List

The Company Identifier under EDI Tab should contain Name Identifier as configured in Oracle B2B UI > Partners > Trading Partner > Profile > Identifier.