12 Configure and Enable Argus Dossier

12.2 Configure Dossier

  1. On the server where Dossier is installed, from the installation folder, open the file service.config. By default, the installation folder is:

    C:\Program Files\Oracle\ArgusWeb\ASP\Argus.NET\bin

  2. Uncomment the entries for DossierBuilder in the section:


  3. From the installation folder, open the file RelsysWindowsService.exe.config.

  4. Make sure that the <DatabaseConfiguration> section is configured for the following attributes:

    Attribute Description
    DBName (Mandatory) TNS of the Database to which the RelsysWindowsService should connect to.

    Example: DBName="GOLDDEMO"

    DBUser AGService Username.

    The RelsysWindowsService logs into the database using this login name. This has to be a user of type AGSERVICE.

    Example: DBUser="agservice_user1"

    DBPassword Generate new encrypted string, refer to Section 19.2.4, "Generate Encrypted String".
    GeneralEmailTo The e-mail address to which the e-mails will be sent by the Intake Service, using the General Email feature of Argus.

    Example: GeneralEmailTo ="recepient@oracle.net"

    GeneralEmailFrom The email address from which the e-mails will be sent by the Intake Service, using the General Email feature of Argus.

    Example: GeneralEmailFrom ="admin@oracle.net"

    GeneralEmailCc This email address will be added to the Cc line when e-mails are sent by the Intake Service, using the General E-mail feature of Argus.

    Example: GeneralEmailCc ="recepient@oracle.net"

    GeneralEmailBcc The email address will be added to the Bcc line when e-mails are sent by the Intake Service, using the General E-mail feature of Argus.

    Example: GeneralEmailBcc ="recepient@oracle.net"

    Recurrence (Optional) The value for this attribute specifies the frequency of instantiation of the associated Service Component. The value is specified in seconds.

    For example:

    <add Name="DossierBuilder" Assembly="DossierServiceComponent" Type="DossierBuilder" Recurrence="600" Metadata="InvokeDirect=true" />

    The value of 600 for Recurrence above means, the "DossierBuilder" service is instantiated every 600 seconds (10 minutes) to perform the job.

12.3 Enable Dossier

  1. Go to Argus Safety >Argus Console > System Configuration > Enabled Modules.

  2. Select Dossier.

  3. Click Save.