3 Install and Configure Argus Safety Web

3.1 Prerequisites


To set up ASP.NET correctly, you must install IIS before running Windows Updates.

If Windows Updates are run before installing the IIS, Windows Updates will install Microsoft.Net without setting up the ASP.NET. In this scenario, refer to Microsoft Support on how to re-register ASP.NET in IIS.

This is usually accomplished by running aspnet_regiis.exe -i from the.NET v4.0.30319 folder.

3.2 Install Argus Safety Web

  1. Log in as the Administrator on the system where Argus Safety is being installed.

  2. Copy the installation package to the local directory of the target machine.

  3. Open the Argus Safety folder and click setup.exe.

  4. In the Argus Suite Solution Components Installation Wizard screen, click Next.

  5. Enter the User Name and Company Name, and click Next.

  6. In the Default Directory screen, to select the default installation directory where the Argus Suite Solution Components will be installed, click Browse.

  7. To display the Argus Suite Components list, click Next and select the default installation directory.

  8. Under the Web Server, select Argus Safety Web, and click Next.

    The Argus Suite Solution Components Report Directory appears.


    (Optional) You can now install Argus Insight while installing Argus Safety by selecting it from the list of modules.
  9. Select the directory where temporary reports will be stored.

    You can browse through any path or leave this as default (C:\Temp).

  10. (Optional) To configure minimum security on this server, enter the domain account login credentials, and click Next.

    The Setup Status screen appears with the installation progress.


    If the minimum security is not being setup, leave these fields blank, and click Next.
  11. To configure a database, click Yes when prompted.

  12. Enter a database name and click Next.

    This database name will appear on the Argus Login page.

  13. Enter the database SID and click Next.

  14. To add an additional database to the Argus Login page, click Yes when prompted to configure database settings.

  15. In the Setup Completed screen, click Finish.

  16. Click OK to reboot the system.

  17. Set up the Argus Cryptography key by following the instructions in the Section 19.1.3, "Argus Safety Application Servers".

  18. After setting up the application servers, copy the ArgusSecureKey.ini file from the .\Windows folder of the system, where the database is created or upgraded, and replace the .\Windows folder of each installed application server.

3.3 Enable SSL Support for Windows Server

  1. Obtain and install the SSL certificate.

  2. Click Argus Safety Web > Bindings.

  3. Click Add and change Type to HTTPS.

  4. Select SSL Certificate and click OK.

3.4 Configure Load Balancer in Argus Web

To set up a Load Balancer in Argus, you need to setup:

  • The Argus Web Load Balancer IP Address

  • The Load Balanced Folders

  • The Shared Network Directory

3.4.1 Set Up Argus Web Load Balancer IP Address

If Argus Web is being installed in a Load Balanced Environment, the Load Balancer IP Address must be configured in Argus Console.

  1. Log in to Argus Console.

  2. From System Configuration Menu, select System Management.

  3. Click the Network Settings Folder.

  4. Do the following, and click Save.

    • For non-SSL environment, enter the IP Address or Argus URL.

    • For an SSL environment, enter the SSL URL.

3.4.2 Set Up Shared Network Directory

The network directory is a shared directory that will be the same for all load balanced Web Servers.

Update argus.ini for messagecachepath=<shared directory for the message cache>.

3.5 Reset IIS

To make the latest data or configurations available to the rest of the system, reset IIS when the changes have been made to the following areas:

  1. Changes in configuration files:

    • Argus.ini

    • Argus.xml

  2. Changes in following screens through Console:

    • Common Fields

    • System Management

    • Enabled Modules