5 Install and Start Argus Safety Service

5.1 Install Argus Safety Service

  1. Log in as the Administrator on the system where Argus Safety is being installed.

  2. Copy the installation package to the local directory of the target machine.

  3. Open the Argus Safety folder and click setup.exe.

  4. In the Argus Suite Solution Components Installation Wizard, click Next.

  5. Enter the User Name and Company Name, and click Next.

  6. In the Default Directory screen, to select the default installation directory where the Argus Suite Solution Components will be installed, click Browse.

  7. To display the Argus Suite Components list, click Next and select the default installation directory.

  8. Under Transaction Server, select Argus Safety Service, and click Next.

    The Argus Suite Solution Components Report Directory appears.

  9. Select the directory where temporary reports will be stored, and click Next.

    You can browse through any path or leave this as default (C:\Temp).

  10. In the Setup Completed dialog box, click Finish.

  11. In the Argus Suite Setup dialog box, click OK to reboot the system.

  12. See Chapter 9, "Other Tasks" for information about tasks that must be completed after the Argus Safety service has been installed.

  13. To set up the Argus Cryptography Key, refer to Section 19.1.3, "Argus Safety Application Servers".

  14. To configure the Argus Safety Service user passwords, refer to Section 19.2.4, "Generate Encrypted String".

5.2 Start Argus Safety Service

Before you can start the Argus Safety Service, you must configure a single process or it will fail to start. To configure the Argus Safety Service process, refer to the Argus Safety Service Administrator's Guide.

To start the Argus Safety Service:

  1. Select Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools.

  2. Double-click the Component Services shortcut.

  3. In the left navigation pane, click Services.

  4. From the list of services (in the right navigation pane), right-click the Argus Safety Service, and click Properties.

  5. In the Argus Safety Service Properties > General tab, from the Startup type drop-down, select Automatic.

  6. Click the Log On tab, select This account, enter the parameters, and click OK.


    You must enter a domain account with access to the domain printers.
  7. Click Start.

  8. Click OK.


    You can view the log file at the specified path in the Interchange Service INI file.

5.3 Set Up RightFax


For more information, refer to the MOS article ID 2375262.1">>2375262.1.
  1. Search the following files on the Right Fax Server:

    • RFLanguage.dll (from the English Folder)

    • rfcomapi.dll (register)

    • RFI32RPC.ndr

    • RFWIN32.DLL

  2. Copy the RFLanguage.dll file to the following folder on your Argus Safety Service server:

    <PROGRAMFILES>\RightFax\Shared Files\English

  3. Copy the remaining files into the following folder on your Argus Safety Service server:

    <INSTALL folder>\Argus Safety

  4. Run the steps as mentioned in the MOS article ID.