Step 7a: Specify the order of visits in the study

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Step 7a: Specify the order of visits in the study

Tip Tip: By following this procedure, you're placing your visits in the order you want them to be completed in. To specify the amount of time between visits, see Step 7b: Define a visit schedule.

  1. On the bottom of the Project Explorer, click Visit Schedule, and select Study Design.
  2. Make sure the Workflow Diagram tab is selected.
  3. Move the cursor over the first of the two visits you want to connect until it changes to a pointing finger icon, and connect the visits.

    Tip Tips:

    • The numbers next to the screening and enrollment visits (the sequence numbers) must be 1 (for the screening visit) and 2 (for the enrollment visit).
    • The screening and enrollment visits must be disconnected from the rest of the workflow.
  4. Next, define a visit schedule.
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