Create keys in a repeating form or section

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Create keys in a repeating form or section

In repeating forms and repeating sections, you can identify certain items as key items. In InForm, key items are used to:

For more information, see What are key items? and What are the requirements for key items?.

  1. At the bottom of the Project Explorer, click the Forms and Transactions (Forms and Transactions) button, and expand the InForm folder and the Forms folder, if necessary.
  2. Select a repeating form or section, and make sure the Design tab is selected.
  3. Right-click the row of an item, and select Keys.

    The key items can come from the repeating form or from a non-repeating section on the form.

  4. In the Data uniqueness for selected keys section, select one of the following:
    • None—Key items appear in a drop-down list in the summary view of a repeating form as navigation aids. The key items are not used to enforce uniqueness of key values across instances of the repeating form.
    • Individual—Each key item must be unique across all instances of the repeating form or itemset in the InForm application.
    • Group—The combination of all key items evaluated together must be unique across all instances of the repeating form or itemset in the InForm application.
  5. In the Key selection section, move the key items from the Items available as keys list to the Selected keys list, then click OK.
  6. If you are creating keys for a repeating form, and you selected Individual in Step 4, select the Unique checkbox for each item to designate as a unique key. (In a repeating section, the Unique checkbox is selected and disabled for all selected key items.)

    Tip Tip: A set of key items for a repeating form can include items that are individually unique and items that appear in the drop-down list but are not used to enforce uniqueness.

  7. To specify the order in which the items will appear in the InForm drop-down summary list of the repeating form, select an item and click the Move Up or Move Down button. Repeat this step for each item you want to move.
  8. Click OK.
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