Make an item conditional on another object

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Make an item conditional on another object

You can configure an item so that it is only enabled in InForm if a user selects a specific option from a drop-down list, a set of radio buttons, or a set of checkboxes. To do so, you make the item conditional on the InForm user selecting a specified option.


Tip Tip: If you plan to make more than one item conditional on the codelist selection within a higher level item, include the conditional items in a compound item, and then make the compound item conditional. This practice prevents issues down the line in InForm reports and RDEs.

  1. At the bottom of the Project Explorer, click the Visit Schedule (Visit Schedule) button.
  2. Expand the visit with the form that has the item you want to make conditional.
  3. In the Project Explorer, select the form.
  4. In the grid, in the row for the item you want to set as conditional, in the Conditional On column, select the item with the drop-down list, set of radio buttons, or set or checkboxes.
  5. In the Conditional Value column, select the option in the drop-down list, radio button, or checkbox that a user needs to select in order to see the conditional item.
  6. Optionally, to make the item invisible on the form until the specified conditions are met:
    1. In the Project Explorer, select the item.
    2. Click the Properties tab, which appears on the right of the page by default.

      Tip Tip: If you don't see the Properties tab, at the top left of the page, select View, and make sure Properties is selected.

    3. To make the item invisible on the form, from the Collapsible drop-down list, select True, and press Enter.
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