Step 4g: Create a study completion form in the final visit

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Step 4g: Create a study completion form in the final visit

  1. In the Project Explorer, right-click the final visit, select New, and select Form.
  2. Enter a title, RefName, and description, and click OK.
  3. In the Project Explorer, select the form, and make sure the Design tab is selected.
  4. Click the Properties tab.
  5. At the top of the Properties tab, in the InForm section, click in the Special Forms field, and select Study Completion.
  6. In the Project Explorer, right-click the form, select New Section.
  7. Enter a title, RefName, and description, and click OK.
  8. Create the following items in the section:
    • Study completion status
    • Drop-out reason

    Tip Tip: It is possible to write a rule to ensure that, if a user indicates that a subject didn't complete the study, he must also select a drop-out reason. For more information about writing rules, see the User Guide.

  9. Create a layout for your form:
    1. In the Project Explorer, select the form.
    2. Select the Layout tab, and click the Create Layout button in the middle of the page.

    By default, the layout for the form uses the study-level styles that you or your study administrator configured. If you want to change the form's appearance, or the appearance of one or more of its study objects, see Set the default appearance for a single form and its study objects (form-level styles) and Set the appearance of a single study object (control styles).

  10. On the right of the page, right-click the study completion status codelist, select Control Type, and select the type of control you want to create (Radio Button or Pulldown).
  11. On the right of the page, right-click the drop-out reason codelist, select Control Type, and select the type of control you want to create (Radio Button or Pulldown).
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