Item properties

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Item properties

Properties common to all study objects

Item properties



CDD properties


Data Label

Text label for the item, enabling access to the item in a target table with the Patient To Control key type or any of the pivot key types.

Component Settings

(The following settings are used only for date time items.)

MonthAllow, SecondAllow,

When True, indicates that the date time item includes a control for the component of the date time.

MonthAllowUnknown, SecondAllowUnknown,

When True, indicates that the date time item includes a control for the component of the date time and allows a user to mark the value unknown.

MonthRequired, SecondRequired,

When true, indicates that the component of the date time item is required.

InForm properties



True or False (default), indicating whether the item is always visible on the form in the InForm application, or is collapsed and not visible until a condition is met.

Display Override

Determines the default behavior of an item when a layout is generated.

  • ReadOnly—The item is visible but not editable.
  • Editable—The item is visible and editable by any user, regardless of the rights assigned to the user.
  • Hidden—The item is not visible.
  • None—The item is visible to all users, and visible and editable by any user who has the rights to view and/or edit the item.

Item Required

True (default) or False, indicating whether the item is required for data entry on the form to be complete.


If a MaxValue is specified for the item, indicates whether the value can be less than or less than or equal to the MaxValue.


Maximum value that the InForm application will allow to be typed for the item.


If a MinValue is specified for the item, indicates whether the value can be greater than or greater than or equal to the MinValue.


Minimum value that the InForm application will allow to be typed for the item.


True or False (default), indicating whether an InForm user might enter Personal/Protected Health Information (PHI) for the item. If you select True:

  • A warning appears when you close the Rule Wizard if you create a rule with an email action and you add the item to the subject or body of the email.
  • A validation error occurs if a rule with an email action contains the item in the subject line or body of the email.

SDV Critical

True or False (default), indicating whether the item is considered critical for source verification. If you select True, SDV Required changes to True.

Note: The SDV Critical setting for an item can be overridden in the InForm application.

SDV Required

True (default) or False, indicating whether the item requires source document verification.

Special Fields

Fields used on the special forms for the InForm application.

  • None—Field is not a special InForm field.
  • Screening form:
    • Initials
    • DOB
    • Screening date
  • Enrollment form: Patient No.
  • Patient Identification form: Initials
  • Study Completion form:
    • Completion status
    • Drop out reason
  • Date of Visit form: DOV
  • Randomization form: Randomization field

Standard properties



Question for the item. The question can have 0-1000 characters.


Short question for the item. The short question can have 0-255 characters.

Miscellaneous properties


Change assigned codelist

Available only in libraries.

True or False (default), allow users to choose a different codelist for the item in a study. If set to True, Change assigned subset is also set to True.

Change assigned subset

Available only in libraries.

True or False (default), allow users to choose a different codelist subset for the item in a study. If set to False, Change assigned codelist is also set to False.

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