Deployment Setup tab—Option descriptions

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Deployment Setup tab—Option descriptions

Study Setup—Option descriptions





Test URL

Test the URL of the selected deployment instance.

If the test fails, automated deployment fails. The test is successful when:

  • The URL and port are valid for the InForm web service that is associated with the deployment instance.
  • The Central Designer deployment certificate is installed on the InForm server.
  • The Central Designer application can connect with the InForm web service.
  • The type of the deployment instance matches the type selected for the InForm web service.
  • The Approval Required setting for the deployment instance matches the setting for the InForm web service.
  • The rule engine that is installed on the Central Designer server is also installed on the InForm server.

For more information, see the InForm Installation Guide.

Audit History

Display all the revisions of the selected deployment instance study object.


Select the columns to display.

Lock and Protect

Lock or protect the selected study object.



Icon (first column)

Status of the study object:

  • Icon_New—New.
  • Icon_Locked—Locked.
  • Icon_Protected—Protected. When a study object is protected, you cannot :
    • Update or lock it.
    • Add child study objects to it by pasting or dragging and dropping.
  • Delete its child study objects.


Description of the deployment instance.


Type of deployment instance:

  • UAT—User acceptance testing
  • QA—Quality assurance
  • DEV—Development
  • LIVE—Production
  • TRN—Training


URL address of the deployment instance.


Port number of the web service used to query deployment status.

Approval Required

Indicates whether deployments to the server must be approved by a user with the appropriate right, as configured in the Central Designer Administrator application.

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