What information is archived?

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What information is archived?

Information that is saved in an archive, by component


Information that is saved in an archive


Attachments on:

  • The study or library.
  • The study project or library project.


  • All baselines.
  • Most recent revision of any study objects that the most recent baseline does not contain.


  • System and user keywords.
  • Automatically generated and manually generated categories.
  • The mappings that connect keywords and categories to study objects.

Collaboration notes and tasks

All collaboration notes and tasks in the study, study project, or library project.

Custom properties

  • Custom properties and their corresponding keywords and categories.
  • Values of the custom properties.


All functions in the study, study project, or library project.

Study objects

  • All study objects, including their revisions and ancestry information that connects a study object to its parent and children.
  • Information about whether a study object is a copy of another study object, as well as the study object from which it was copied.
  • Information about whether a study object is published, including the revisions that were published.


  • Teams in the study or library.
  • Information about users in the team, such as user name, first name, and last name, but not the roles for the users.


The units file.

Validation results (Studies only)

Validation results for the most recent baseline only.

Direct deployment records (for successful UAT and LIVE deployment type instances only)

  • Information about deployment requests and approvals.
  • Deployment packages.
  • Information about users associated with the request, including the user who created the deployment package, the user who created the deployment request, the user who approved or rejected the request, and the users in the email distribution list for the request
  • Deployment logs created for the deployment.

    Note: Deployment packages that are associated with manual deployments are not included, as only autodeployments can have a status of Successful. Use caution importing an archive if there is a chance you may do any in-place revisions on the study. In order to validate an in-place revision, which compares the current potential baseline and previous baselines, baselines that have been deployed to LIVE/UAT must exist. In this case, it would be possible to delete the baseline, as it would not be associated with a deployment package.

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