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Step 5b: Create forms in your visits

  1. At the bottom of the Project Explorer, click the Visit Schedule (Visit Schedule) button.
  2. Right-click the visit you want to add the form to, select New, and select Form.
  3. Enter a title, RefName, and description, and click OK.
  4. In the Project Explorer, select the new form, and make sure the Design tab is selected.
  5. Optionally, in the upper-right above the grid, select one or more checkboxes:
    • Repeating—Indicates whether the form can have more than one instance within a visit. For example, you might want to mark an Adverse Event form as repeating.
    • Common—Indicates whether the form is a common form. Data entered on a common form is carried forward from visit to visit so that the form contains cumulative data for a subject. For example, you might want to create one Logs form, which collects data throughout the study, as common.

    Tip Tips:

    • Note: To ensure that data is captured and maintained properly, do not change these settings after you have deployed your study. If you need to make changes, deactivate this study object and create a new object with the updated settings.
    • If you plan to include items from this form, or a section on this form, in a dynamic grid section so that it can be collected in a set of related data (for example for submission to Argus Safety), do not mark the form as Common.
  6. Click the Properties tab, which appears on the right of the page by default.

    Tip Tip: If you don't see the Properties tab, at the top left of the page, select View, and make sure Properties is selected.

  7. Optionally, specify any of the following properties for the form:
    • Item Required—Indicates whether an InForm site user is required to fill out the form.
    • SDV Critical—Indicates whether the form must be source verified in InForm for all subjects in a study at a site, even for subjects who are not part of the SV Pool. If you select True, SDV Required is automatically set to True as well.
    • SDV Required—Indicates whether the form must be source verified in InForm for all subjects in a study at a site who are part of the SV Pool.
    • Short Title—Used as the form mnemonic, which is used to identify the form in the InForm user interface and reports. You can enter up to 63 characters.

    Tip Tips:

    • If this is the first form in a visit, you must include the Date of Visit item if you are planning to use the Enforce visit date entry system configuration option in InForm.
    • If this is the first form in a repeating visit, you must include the date of visit item.
    • We recommend that you include 20 or fewer items on each form, and split any extensive data capture requirements across multiple forms. Although there is no predefined item limit in Central Designer, including 20 or fewer items per form ensures optimal system performance and prevents impact on integrated or downstream applications. For example, an in-place revision on a study that contains a large form might create a database table with more than 1000 columns. As a result, the study deployment fails because the number of columns exceeds an Oracle database column limit.
  8. Create a layout for your form:
    1. In the Project Explorer, select the form.
    2. Select the Layout tab, and click the Create Layout button in the middle of the page.

    By default, the layout for the form uses the study-level styles that you or your study administrator configured. If you want to change the form's appearance, or the appearance of one or more of its study objects, see Set the default appearance for a single form and its study objects (form-level styles) and Set the appearance of a single study object (control styles).

  9. Next, organize forms by creating sections.
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