Create a Subject Audit History report

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Create a Subject Audit History report

The Subject Audit History report includes data changes and queries for a subject's casebook, along with comments, signatures, and form status history.

  1. On any My Requests pages, from the Create Requests drop-down, select Create History Request.
  2. On the Study Information page, accept the default Request Name (composed of the study name and the current date-time) or enter a different name.

    Tip Tip: The Request Name appears on lists of Processing, Completed, Saved, and Deleted requests. The default name is comprised of the study name and the current date-time string concatenated together. The name can contain blank spaces. For example, Mass General Subject Audit History.

  3. Enter a Description (optional), select Subject Audit History, and click Next.
  4. Enter the Request Settings and click Next.
    • Headings Language—The language to use for bookmarks, headers, and labels.
    • Share with Sites—Select Yes to provide sites with this history report to download. This field appears only if you have the Share with Sites right.
    • Site Confirmation Required—Select Yes to require sites to confirm download and review of this report.
    • Select the rights group to control content—This field appears if you select Share with Sites. Select the rights group with control over the content. The default is the logged-in user's rights group. See What do rights groups do?
    • Generate TOC—Create a table of contents as a separate file with links to all generated records in the report. The default is Yes.
    • Include data as of date and time—The data includes all data available at the current date and time or up to (as of) the date and time you enter. See How does the Include data as of date and time option affect the output?
    • Export Selection Criteria—Select All Sites or By Site and click Save. See How do I define the Export Selection Criteria?
    • Candidate Queries—Include or exclude these preliminary queries issued by a sponsor user and visible only to other sponsor users.
  5. Review your settings and click Submit.
  6. To create another request, click Yes, Create Another, or to process this request, click No, Go to Processing Page.
  7. You can monitor the progress on the My Requests - Processing page.
    • To update the processing statistics shown, click Refresh.
    • To pause processing, select a request checkbox and click Pause. To resume processing, click Resume.
    • To cancel the request, select a request checkbox and click Cancel.

    When the request disappears from the My Requests - Processing page and moves to the My Requests - Completed page, processing is complete.

  8. Select the checkbox and click Download.
  9. Review the output.

    The file is in CSV format for import into MS Excel. One CSV file is created per subject. The files are then zipped per site and the entire request can be downloaded as one zipped file or by subject.

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