Start with a test run

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Start with a test run

Why should I do this? Create a test run to confirm that your settings result in the desired archive. A test run is identical to a regular PDF request, except that the test run is limited to one subject and one study version.

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Tip Tip: After you have downloaded and reviewed the output, you can turn the test run into a PDF request or continue performing test runs until you are satisfied with the output.

  1. On any My Requests page, from the Create Requests drop-down menu, click Create Test Run.
  2. On the Study Information page, specify the PDF request name and description and select the PDF request type.
  3. Click Next.
  4. Complete the Forms Options page and click Next.
  5. Specify request type-specific criteria. Depending on the request type, you must select a subject, site, or study version.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Review your settings and click Submit Test Run.
  8. Click No, Go to Processing Page.

    When complete, the test run PDF request moves to the My Requests - Complete page. Yes in the Test Run column identifies the request as a test run.

  9. (Optional) To edit this test run before downloading it, select the checkbox of the test run, click Edit Test Run, make changes, and submit the test run.
  10. On the My Requests - Complete page, select the checkbox of the test run and click Download.
  11. Save the file. We recommend that you save the file(s) to a local machine and then extract the output from the downloaded ZIP file.

    Tip Tip: If you view files without extracting them in the ZIP tool, the hyperlinks in the files might not work correctly.

  12. Review the output.
  13. Continue creating test runs or on the My Requests - Complete page, select a test run (has a Yes in the Test Run column) and click:
    • Proceed with PDF Request to edit the request options and settings and submit the request.
    • Clone Test Run to copy these settings to another test request.

    In either case, the Study Information, Form Options, and PDF Request Settings pages are populated with the values in the test run request. You can edit the settings before submitting the request.

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