Add CRF Submit Archival Rights to an InForm rights group

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Add CRF Submit Archival Rights to an InForm rights group

Note: You must have the InForm Manage Rights Group right to perform this task.

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  1. Log into InForm 6.2 as a CRF Submit administrator.
  2. Click Admin.
  3. On the left, click Rights.
  4. Select a rights group and scroll down to Archival Rights. Archival Rights are the CRF Submit rights.

    Tip Tip: Note that you can assign a site user the Confirm Archives right without the Generate Archives right.

  5. Select and deselect the rights checkboxes.

    Tip Tip: If you select Download for eTMF, you cannot select any other Archival rights.

  6. Click Submit.
  7. Click OK, and then Return.
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