View the Download Log

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View the Download Log

Tip Tip: Create a Download Log for a trial after the InForm trial is decommissioned. During decommissioning, all references to the decommissioned trial are deleted from the CRF Submit database. By creating a Download Log, you can preserve the trial information for future use or reference.

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  1. From the Reports section on the left, select Download Log.
  2. (Optional) Filter the list by typing a specific value in the text boxes associated with the column headers or selecting a date or file type. For example, type a specific request name in the Request Name text box.
  3. Review the information about the output file as well as the date and time of the download in GMT.
  4. To download the report, click Download as CSV (Excel spreadsheet).
  5. Open or Save the file. We recommend that you save the report to a local machine.
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