Create custom confirmation text

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Create custom confirmation text

When you share Archival and Custom PDFs and reports with sites and require them to confirm their download and review, the confirmation text can be customized.

If you do not include custom confirmation text, the default text appears. If you delete the custom text, the default text takes its place.

  1. From the Manage section on the left, select Settings.
  2. On the Settings page, select the Sponsor Settings tab.
  3. If you don't want to customize the text, select the Use default text checkbox and click Save.
  4. If you choose to customize the text, you must include English and Japanese confirmation text for both PDF request confirmations and report confirmations.

    Tip Tips:

    • You can enter up to 1000 characters.
    • You don't have to include the request/report identification information. CRF Submit appends the request name, trial name, site name, and mnemonic at the beginning of the confirmation.
    • If you are not translating the trial forms into Japanese, you can leave the default Japanese translations in place instead of translating your custom text.
  5. Click Save.

CRF Submit applies the confirmation to all of your trials.

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