


An activity that contributes to a topic, such as performing research, completing project management milestones, or collecting supporting documentation. An action includes a workflow and state mechanism with user assignments.

For example, in the Empirica Signal application, default fields for an action include name, description, state, assigned to user, planned completion date, and action completion date.

An action name does not need to be unique but has a unique ID.


Text, XML, or binary data associated with an action or a topic. An attachment may include comments and custom fields.

An attachment name is not required to be unique.

attachment type

Attachment types include:

field metadata

Information about a field name, type, visibility, necessity, and whether the field can be used as a filter. Topics, topic templates, actions, and work teams have field metadata defined in the workflow configuration.

field value

An instance of the field metadata for a topic, topic template, action, or work team (for example, a list of the field values for a topic).


A named category. A topic can optionally be grouped into at most one project.


A named part of the topic workflow. A user can edit a topic or action and transition it between states in the workflow.


A means of organizing and tracking issues identified from various applications. Reference materials, including result tables, graphs, reports, and external documents related to the subject, can be stored with the topic.

A topic name is not required to be unique but has a unique ID.

topic template

A topic template has prepopulated values that are applied to a new topic. Optionally, a topic template includes topic field values and action field values and can be used when saving to a new topic.

topics service

The Empirica Topics service that handles the Topics API methods described in this document. This is a web service configured as part of the Empirica Signal application.

topics service context

A parameter to every topics method that includes context information such as the username and information for sorting, filtering, and paging.

user name

A username is passed from the client to the server to validate that the user can access or save to particular topics or actions that are associated with work teams.

work team

A work team is a subset of users from an Empirica Signal login group, which is a grouping of users that collaborate on a topic. There can be multiple work teams within the same login group, and the same user can be in one or multiple work teams.

Topics that are made visible to a work team can be viewed by, or assigned to, any of its members depending on the user's work team permissions.

workflow configuration

A workflow configuration contains the topic and action configuration and includes topic and action states, topic and action field metadata, and configuration settings.

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