Configure the Empirica Signal software

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Configure the Empirica Signal software

Before users can use Empirica Signal, you must complete the following tasks. For information about each task, see the User Guide and Online Help.

  1. In a Microsoft Internet Explorer browser window, navigate to the login page, for example:

    https://<server name>:7004/Signal

    The example is for a site that requires SSL and does not use single sign-on. If your site does not require SSL connections, use:

    http://<server name>:7003/Signal

    If your site uses SSO, use the native login port provided to you by Oracle or the administrator who configured SSO for the application.

    If the login page appears, the site is set up correctly.

  2. Log in as the admin user:

    If this is a new installation, you are prompted to change your password:

    1. Change your password.

      You are logged out of the software.

    2. Log in as the admin user with the new password.

      The home page appears.

  3. Set your site options:
    1. Click Settings, and then click Set Site Options.

      The Site Options page appears.

    2. Verify the SMTP server name.
    3. If R version 3.0.1 is installed on your system, and you set the rgps parameters in the file, select Enable RGPS Option in MGPS Data Mining Runs.

      Alternatively, verify that the option is deselected.

      For more information, see Set up the file.

    4. In the following fields, specify the email address for your support team:
      • From Email Address
      • Feedback Email
      • Error Email

      The default email address is for the Empirica Signal support team (

    5. Verify that all other site options are set correctly.
    6. Click Save.
  4. Click Exit.

    You are logged out.

  5. If your site uses SSO, create a new user and test the SSO login:
    1. Create an SSO user in your SSO application.
    2. If you self host Empirica Signal and use Oracle Access Manager (OAM) for SSO, create the same user in the Empirica Signal application.

      If Oracle hosts your instance of Empirica Signal, you do not need to perform this step.

    3. In a Microsoft Internet Explorer browser window, navigate to the login page.

      The login prompt appears.

    4. Log in as the newly created SSO user.

      The home page appears.

    5. Click Exit.

      You are logged out.

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