
Security overview
General security principles
Secure installation and configuration
Installing and configuring the Empirica Signal software
Configure Oracle WebLogic Server to use TLS
Use a separate port for the Empirica Signal application
Enable only what is required
Execute scripts without passwords on the command line
Reset the Read Only attribute
Use secure Empirica Signal database and Topics credentials
Turn on the HttpOnly flag for session cookies within Oracle WebLogic Server for the Empirica Signal software
Establish best practices for downloading data
Route email to a secure address
Use of TLS
Encrypt the database connection
Install the Empirica Signal application on a separate managed server
Installing the Oracle Database software
Patch the database regularly, and apply security updates
Patch the Oracle Java SE regularly and apply security updates
Allow database passwords to expire, and change default passwords
Configure components to use FIPS 140-2 compliant cryptographic implementations
Installing Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition (Oracle BI EE)
Security features
Overview of security features
Authentication methods
Password requirements
Disabling user accounts
Oracle Database Client Identifier
User access control
Assigning roles
Granting permissions
Publishing objects
User session timeout