Identifying a field as a filter field

Any field in a topic workflow configuration can be identified as a filter field. A filter field appears above tables of topic-related data, such as the table of topics on the Topics page, and includes a drop-down list containing all of the values that have been entered for this field. Using filter fields, users can limit the number of rows that appear in a table to only those that match the value selected for this field.

For example, you might define the Assigned to user field as a filter field so that users can choose to view only topics assigned to themselves.

Filter fields

Note that:

1.         Click Settings.

The Settings page appears.

2.         In the Configure System section, click Manage Topic Workflow Configurations.

The Manage Topic Workflow Configurations page appears.

3.         Click the row menu (Row menu) for a field, and click Manage Fields.

The Manage Fields page appears.

4.         Add or edit the field, as necessary.

The Add Field or Edit Field page appears. For more information, see Adding a field or Editing a field.

5.         Check Display as filter field.

6.         Click Save.