Suppressing a drug-event combination

You can suppress a drug-event combination so that it is not included on the Drug-Event Combinations page. For example, if you determine that a drug-event combination has already been reviewed, you might want to suppress that combination.

1.         Click the Signals tab.

The Drug-Event Combinations page appears.

2.         Click the row menu (Row menu) for the drug-event combination, and then click Document Review.

The Document Review dialog box appears.

3.         From the Comment drop-down list, select the comment.

4.         To suppress a comment for the drug-event combination, select the Suppress drug-event combination check box.

If at least one comment in the signal management configuration is set to Is Suppress Reason? = Yes, the Suppress drug-event combination check box appears  

If the selected comment is Is Suppress Reason = Yes, or if the drug-event combination is already suppressed, the Suppress drug-event combination check box is already enabled.

5.         In the Detailed comment text box, enter a detailed comment (optional).

6.         If the associated topic is displayed, you can change it by clicking Change. Complete the Topic Association section of the Document Review dialog box. For more information, see Associating a topic with a drug-event combination.

7.         Click OK.

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