Viewing signal history for a drug-event combination

1.         Click the Signals tab.

The Drug-Event Combinations page appears.

2.         Click the row menu (Row menu) of a drug-event combination, and then click View Signal History.

The Signal History dialog box appears and includes the following information.

Note: If the signal configuration includes public and private comments, the list includes all public comments by any user and all of your private comments. The list for a Superuser includes all comments regardless of author or type. If the signal configuration does not include private comments, all comments by any user appear in the list.

The detailed information about the drug-event combination might include multiple signal sets.

3.         From the Signal set drop-down list, select the signal set for which you want to view a history, or select All to include all data.

You can select up to two different signal sets at a time to display graphs for each of them.  

4.         To save the signal history as an attachment to a topic, next to the signal set, click Save to Topic.

The signal set graphs and statistics are attached to a PDF file.

5.         When you have finished viewing the signal history, click Close.

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