Viewing existing aliases

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If you have permission to view the target of an alias, the alias is listed on the Manage Aliases page.

1.         Log into the Empirica Signal application as a user with the Manage Aliases permission.

2.         Click Settings.

The Settings page appears.

3.         In the Configure System section, click Manage Aliases.

The Manage Aliases page appears.

4.         From the Target Type drop-down list, select the target type for which you want to view aliases, or -- to include all types (optional).

The Manage Aliases page appears and provides the following information about each alias:




Name of the alias. The name must be unique among other aliases for the same target type.

Target Type

One of the following values:

  • Configuration—The target is a data configuration.
  • Data Mining Run—The target is a completed data mining run (MGPS or logistic regression).
  • Report Output—The target is a report output.


Name and/or identifier of the specific data configuration, data mining run, or report output with which the alias is associated.

Note: If you change the name of a data mining run, report output, or data configuration that is the target of an existing alias, this field is updated automatically for that alias.

Target Status

One of the following values:

  • Valid—The alias target exists and, in the case of a data configuration, is valid.
  • Broken—The alias target has been deleted. In the case of a data configuration, the target status also becomes Broken if the data configuration becomes invalid.

Created By

Name of the user who created the alias.


Date and time when the alias was created.

Modified By

Name of the user who last modified the alias.


Date and time when the alias was last modified.

Manage Alias page options

  1. To add an alias, click Add Alias. For more information, see Adding or editing an alias.
  2. To edit an alias that you created, click the row menu (Row menu) for an alias, and then click Edit.

Row menu options

If you click the row menu (Row menu) for an alias, you can do the following:

Note: If you have the Administer Users permission, you can edit or delete aliases created by other users in your login group.