Adding, editing, or deleting a user profile

If you modify a user profile, the changes do not apply automatically to existing users to whom the profile has been applied previously. If you want the changes to apply to those users, you need to re-apply the user profile to those users.

1.         Click Settings.

The Settings page appears.

2.         In the Manage Users section, click Edit User Profiles.

The User Profiles page appears.

3.         To add a user profile, click Add a New User Profile.

The Add User Profile page appears.

4.         To edit a user profile, click the row menu (Row menu) for a user profile, and then click Edit.

The Edit User Profile page appears.

5.         Enter or change the following information:



User Profile Name

Name of the user profile.


Maximum amount of server space in megabytes (M) that users with this user profile are permitted to use for creating runs. If this limit is exceeded, users cannot submit new runs (or re-runs). To indicate an unlimited amount of storage space, leave this field blank. If you enter 0, users cannot create any runs even if the user has appropriate permissions.

Login Group

Name of the login group associated with the user profile. Appears only if you are a superuser.

If this field does not appear, the login group for the user profile is the same as your login group.

6.         Click Save.

The new or modified user profile is saved. Once a user profile has been saved, links to assign roles, permissions, or default user preferences appear on the page.

7.         Perform the following optional activities:

  1. Assign roles to the user profile. For more information, see Assigning roles to a user profile.
  2. Assign permissions to the user profile. For more information, see Assigning permissions to a user profile.
  3. To set user preferences for the user profile, click Preferences. New users will have these preferences as defaults that they can change as needed. For more information, see Setting user preferences.

Note: If you do not click Save before performing Steps 4, 5, or 6, the changes you made in previous steps are not saved.


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