Assigning permissions to a user

You can assign additional permissions to the individual user; however, you cannot disable permissions that have been assigned via a user role.

1.         Click Settings.

The Settings page appears.

2.         In the Manage Users section, click Edit Users.

The Users page appears.

3.         Click row menu (Row menu) for the user, and then click Edit. You can edit only users in the same login group as you.

The Edit User page appears.

4.         Click Assign Permissions.

The Assign Permissions page appears, listing all permissions. Permissions that have been granted to the user are indicated by selected check boxes.

See User permissions for information about which Empirica Signal activities are made available by each permission.

5.         Check or clear permission check boxes to assign permissions to or remove permissions from the user.

6.         Click Save.

If you modified the user's permissions and the user is currently running Empirica Signal, the user is not affected by the changes during their current session. The changes take effect the next time the user logs in to Empirica Signal.