Saving a drug profile layout

When a drug profile layout has been modified but not yet saved, an asterisk appears after the layout name in the blue bar at the top of the Drug Profile page. If the layout has never been saved, the layout name shows as "Not Saved*".

1.         From the Layout menu, click Save. (This option is available if you have the Create Drug Profile Layouts permission.)

If you have modified a layout and you try to navigate away without saving it, the application prompts you to save the layout. Click OK.

The Save Layout As dialog box appears.

2.         If you have modified a layout that you created (or if you have the Administer Users permission and you have modified a layout that someone in your login group created), you can check Replace existing. If you check this option, you cannot modify the layout name or description. If you want to rename a layout, use the Rename option on the Drug Profile Layouts page.

3.         In the Layout name field, type a name for the layout. Keep in mind that the layout is not associated with a particular drug profile configuration. You might want to avoid identifying a data source in the layout name or description.

4.         Optionally, enter a description of the layout to differentiate this layout from other layouts.

5.         Click OK.

When the application saves a layout, currently displayed chart windows are saved as part of the layout. Even if a chart window shows a message that the chart cannot be displayed with the current options, the chart window is saved. Additionally, the drugs associated with the saved charts are saved as the primary drug and comparator drugs (if any).

Note: Only displayed chart windows are saved as part of a layout. For example, an existing layout includes a sector map for DrugA. You change the drug profile configuration to point to different run results that do not include DrugA. When you view the layout, a message tells you that the drug is not in the run results. No chart window appears. If you save the layout again, the DrugA sector map will not be part of the layout.