Viewing detailed comments for a drug

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1.         Select the Signals tab, and click the Drug Comments link.

The Drug Comments page appears.

2.         Select the row menu (Row menu), and select View Comments.

The View Comments dialog box appears.

Note: On the Drug Comments page, click Select Rows, then click View Comments to view comments for multiple drugs.

3.         In the View Comments dialog box, do the following:

Private comments, public comments entered by all users, or both appear. Superusers can see private comments entered by any user.

4.         Click View Comments.

The View Drug Comments page appears.

Note: You can set your user preference to allow the use of an SQL WHERE Clause to restrict drugs that appear on this page. If you select this preference, the Columns and Rows link replaces the Columns link.

If you restrict drugs, you need to refer to the column names in the underlying database table, which may not match the column names that appear on the page. To include a column in the WHERE Clause, click Show Columns in the Columns and Rows pop-up and click the column name.

5.         To show information about the comments that display, click Show Notes. The notes appear below the table and the application includes them if you print or download table data.

6.         To exclude the notes. click Hide Notes.

7.         To save the comments to a topic, click Save to Topic. 

The comments appear as an attachment to the topic.

Field descriptions—View Drug Comments page




Name of the selected drug.


Name of an event that is reported in combination with the drug.


Date and time the comment was added.

Created By

Name of the user who added the comment.


  • If the comment was entered when the drug-event combination was suppressed, Yes appears.
  • If the comment was entered for a drug-event combination that was not suppressed, No appears.
  • Empty (blank) for private comments (if the signal configuration has the private comments feature set up).


Comment for the drug-event combination.


Appears if the signal configuration has the private comments feature set up.

  • Yes—A private comment.
  • No—A public comment.

Detailed Comment

The optional free text added with the comment. This column appears only if the corresponding site option has been set.