Copying a topic workflow configuration

The application provides a sample configuration named Sample Topic Workflow Configuration. This configuration can be copied and used to create a customized configuration.

Users need the Manage Topic Workflow Configurations permission to copy an existing configuration and modify it.

Note: When you copy a topic workflow configuration, the latest versions of templates are also copied. However, any existing topics that are based on the configuration are not copied.

To copy a topic workflow configuration, follow these steps:

1.         Click Settings, and click Manage Topic Workflow Configurations.

The Manage Topic Workflow Configurations page appears.

2.         Click the row menu (Row menu), and click Copy.

The Copy Workflow Configuration page appears.

3.         Type a unique name for the topic workflow configuration.

4.         Optionally, modify the description of the topic workflow configuration.

5.         Click Save.

The new topic workflow configuration is added to the same Oracle account as the original.

6.         To test the topic workflow configuration before assigning it to a login group or completing topics feature setup:

A.        Set the user preference Topic Workflow Configuration to the new configuration (only users with the Manage Topic Workflow Configurations permission can set this preference).

B.        Log out and log back in.

C.        Click the Topics tab to add and edit topics that use the new configuration.


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