Apply upgrade scripts to Empirica Signal schemas

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Apply upgrade scripts to Empirica Signal schemas

Perform these steps using the non-privileged user account on the application server.

  1. Move the previous Database directory to Database_8_1_1 as backup. For example:

    $ mv /u01/stage/Database /u01/stage/Database_8_1_1

  2. Unpack the file:
    1. Create a Database directory:

      $ mkdir /u01/stage/Database

    2. Unpack the contents of the file into the directory, for example:

      $ unzip -d /u01/stage/Database

  3. Navigate to the Database directory, for example:

    $ cd /u01/stage/Database

  4. As the sys user, execute the update_8_1_1_to_8_1_1_1.sql script to update the schema from 8.1.1 to, for example:

    $ sqlplus sys@<TNS_NAME> as sysdba @update_8_1_1_to_8_1_1_1.sql

    A password prompt appears.

  5. Enter the sys account password.

    A second password prompt appears.

  6. Enter the Empirica Signal database user password.
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