Set up the application database account

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Set up the application database account

Perform these steps using the non-privileged user account on the application server.

  1. Navigate to the /u01/stage/Database directory, for example:

    $ cd /u01/stage/Database

  2. Review the 1_create_webvdme_tablespaces_linux.sql file:
    1. Using a text editor, open the 1_create_webvdme_tablespaces_linux.sql file, for example:

      $ vi 1_create_webvdme_tablespaces_linux.sql

    2. Locate the datafile_path variable.
    3. To create Empirica Signal data files in a location other than the default location of your database, specify the location as the value of the datafile_path variable, for example:

      DEFINE datafile_path = '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/<sid>'

      Note: The path must end in a forward slash (/).

    4. Save and close the file.
  3. Create the Signal tablespace:
    1. Execute the 1_create_webvdme_tablespaces_linux.sql script as the Oracle system user, for example:

      $ sqlplus system@<TNS_NAME> @1_create_webvdme_tablespaces_linux.sql

      A password prompt appears.

    2. Enter the Oracle system account password.
  4. Create the Empirica Signal database user account and schema:
    1. At the SQL*PLUS prompt, execute the 2_create_webvdme_oracle_user.sql script as the Oracle sysdba user:

      $ sqlplus sys@<TNS_NAME> as sysdba @2_create_webvdme_oracle_user.sql

      A password prompt appears.

    2. Enter the Oracle sys account password.

      A second password prompt appears.

    3. Enter a password for the Empirica Signal database account.
    4. Reenter the password.

      Note: You use the password in a later step.

      A third password prompt appears.

    5. Enter a password for the empirica_admin account.
    6. Reenter the password.
  5. Populate the application schema:
    1. At the SQL*PLUS prompt, execute the 3_create_all.sql script as the Empirica Signal database user, for example:

      $ sqlplus webvdme@<TNS_NAME> @3_create_all.sql

      A password prompt appears.

    2. Enter the Empirica Signal database account password that you created in a previous step.
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