Start WebLogic and the Node Manager

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Start WebLogic and the Node Manager

Perform these steps using the non-privileged user account on the application server.

  1. In a command shell, navigate to the WebLogic default /bin directory, for example:

    $ cd u01/app/oracle/product/Middleware12c/user_projects/domains/empirica/bin

  2. If WebLogic is running, stop WebLogic, for example:

    $ ./

  3. Start WebLogic, for example:

    $ nohup ./ > /dev/null &

    Note: Informational messages might appear. You might need to press Enter to see the command prompt.

  4. Stop the Node Manager:

    $ ./

  5. Restart the Node Manager:

    $ nohup ./ > /dev/null &

  6. Verify that the Node Manager is reachable:
    1. In an Internet browser, navigate to the WebLogic Server Administration Console, for example:


    2. Log in using the administrator credentials provided to you by the system administrator.
    3. In the Domain Structure pane, expand Environment, and select Machines.

      The Summary of Machines page appears.

    4. Select SignalMachine.

      The Settings for SignalMachine page appears.

    5. Select the Monitoring tab.
    6. Review the Status field.

      If the Status is Reachable, the Node Manager is reachable. If the Status is Inactive, the Node Manager is not running.

  7. In the Domain Structure pane, select Servers.
  8. Select the Control tab.
  9. Start or restart the Empirica Signal server using the Node Manager:
    1. In the table, review the State property for the Empirica Signal server.
    2. If the State of the server is RUNNING, shut down the server:
      1. Select the SignalServer checkbox.
      2. Expand the Shutdown drop-down menu, and then select Force Shutdown Now.
      3. If prompted to confirm, click Yes.

        After a few moments, the State of the server changes to SHUTDOWN.

        Note: The page does not refresh automatically. To refresh the page, you can click the refresh button located above the table.

    3. Select the SignalServer checkbox.
    4. Click Start.
    5. If prompted to confirm, click Yes.

      After a few moments, the State of the server changes to RUNNING.

      Note: The page does not refresh automatically. To refresh the page, you can click the refresh button located above the table.

  10. If you use Empirica Topics, start or restart the Empirica Topics server using the Node Manager:
    1. In the table, review the State property for the Empirica Topics server.
    2. If the State of the server is RUNNING, shut down the server:
      1. Select the TopicsServer checkbox.
      2. Expand the Shutdown drop-down menu, and then select Force Shutdown Now.
      3. If prompted to confirm, click Yes.

        After a few moments, the State of the server changes to SHUTDOWN.

        Note: The page does not refresh automatically. To refresh the page, you can click the refresh button located above the table.

    3. Select the TopicsServer checkbox.
    4. Click Start.
    5. If prompted to confirm, click Yes.

      After a few moments, the State of the server changes to RUNNING.

      Note: The page does not refresh automatically. To refresh the page, you can click the refresh button located above the table.

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