Editing a topic state

1.         Click Settings, and click Manage Topic Workflow Configurations.

The Manage Topic Workflow Configurations page appears.        

2.         Click the row menu (Row menu), and click Manage Topic States.

The Manage Topic States page appears.

3.         From the action row menu, click Edit.

The Edit State page appears.

4.         Modify the Name of the topic workflow state.

If you modify a state name, any topics currently in that state are updated automatically.

Note: You can rename the state named Init. However, it is always considered to be the initial state for a topic and is assigned automatically to every new topic created.

5.         Modify the Description of the topic workflow state.

6.         In the Possible next states field, specify the states that users can assign to a topic that is in this state.

Note: If state transitions are changed and these transitions are referenced in Topic State Changed email notification rules, you need to first edit the notification rule. A list of the effected email notification rules is displayed.

7.         To select a state, do the following:

A.        Click Select States.

The Select States dialog box appears.

B.        Select the available states to which the topic can transition.

8.         To indicate that a state closes a topic when it is assigned, select the This is a final state check box. To work with a topic that is in a final state and visible to all work teams, a user must have the Reopen Topic work team permission, and a state other than Final, must be defined as a possible next state. This allows the user to reopen the topic and change its current state to that non-final state before editing it further.

Note: The topic workflow configuration may also require that all of a topic's actions be in a final state before the topic itself can be assigned a final state. See Editing Workflow Configuration Options.

9.         Click OK.


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