Viewing existing login groups

A login group is a group of users. A different logo image and Home page can be established for each login group. When a user or user profile is created, a login group must be associated with the user or user profile. If you have the Administer Users permission, you can edit your own login group, but you cannot create or delete login groups.

When a user publishes an object (such as a query or report), the object is usable by other users in the same login group. (Users with the Administer Users permission can use and act on published or unpublished objects created by other users in the same login group.)

Additionally, work teams based on login groups can be defined for the purpose of sharing topics.

Note: For Oracle-hosted installations, a Users login groups is included in Empirica Signal by default. New users you create in the Identity and Access Management Services (IAMS) console are assigned to this login group by default

1.         Log in to Empirica Signal as a superuser.

2.         Click Settings.

The Settings page appears.

3.         In the Manage Users section, click Edit Login Groups.

The Edit Login Groups page appears.

Each login group defined appears, followed by Edit and Delete links.

  1. To edit a login group, click Edit.
  2. To delete a login group, click Delete.
  3. To create a login group, click Create New Login Group.