Defining a database restriction

A database restriction is a means of limiting which cases in the source data are included in a data mining run (MGPS or logistic regression) by specifying or selecting a query. Data mining statistics are based only on cases that meet the criteria of the query. For example, you can limit a data mining run to only cases that have been reported by health professionals. A data mining run can have only one database restriction.

A database restriction limits cases, not records. For example, if you base a database restriction on a query that finds a particular drug, the application includes each case involving the drug in the run. Because there may be multiple drugs per case; however, the application includes drugs other than the particular drug in the run.

When defining a database restriction, you can create a new query or use an existing query. When defining a new query, you have the option to save it to the Query Library. You can then use it to define database restrictions for other data mining runs.

When you re-run a run, the application applies the same database restriction. You cannot switch run types. Thus, if you plan to use a particular database restriction for different run types, make sure that you save the query you define for the database restriction for the first run you set up. Then you can select that query as the database restriction for the other run type(s).

1.         Click the Data Mining Runs tab.

The Data Mining Runs page appears.

2.         Click Create Run.

The Create Data Mining Run page appears.

3.         Select the type of run to create:

4.         Select a data configuration.

5.         Check Define database restriction.

6.         Click Next.

The Define Database Restriction page appears.

To create a database restriction by defining a new query, click Create Using Query Wizard. The Define Query page appears. You can save the new query to the Query Library so that you can re-use it for other runs. For more information, see Defining a query.


To create a database restriction based on an existing query, click Create from Existing Query. The Select Query from Library page appears. Subsequent changes to the query in the library will not affect the database restriction. For more information, see Selecting a query.

The screen refreshes and displays the query you created or selected in the Query field. If you click Edit Query, the Define Query page appears and you can change query variables, values, and logic.

Note: If you saved the query to the library and then you edit it from this page, your changes are not saved to the library.