Signal Review configurations: interactive vs. scripted


Interactive signal configurations

Scripted signal configurations

There are two types of signal configurations: interactive and scripted.

·        Interactive signal configurations allow a user, with appropriate permissions, to create, validate, and refresh the configuration in the Empirica Signal application.

Interactive signal configurations are currently available for proprietary data maintained in Oracle Argus Mart and for public safety data from the Adverse Event Reporting System (AERS).

·        Scripted signal configurations require modifying most aspects of the signal configuration outside of the Empirica Signal application, based on your organization's requirements, and running command-line scripts to perform refreshes. Scripted signal configurations are available for other data sources, including proprietary databases.

To set up the configurations, you must have the Manage Signal Configurations permission. See Edit a signal configuration.

Interactive signal configurations

For interactive signal configurations, you can modify the signal configuration in the Empirica Signal application. For example, you can:

·        Select the data configurations used for reports and data mining runs.

·        Select drug and event variables used in data mining runs as well as stratification and subset variables.

·        Add and edit signal comment types.

·        Enable or disable review periods.

·        Edit the column headers and column descriptions on the Products table.

·        Edit the column headers and column descriptions on the Product-Event Combinations tables.

·        Add, edit, activate, and deactivate alert types.

·        Define values for Category, Complexity, and Organization product properties.

·        Manually refresh the signal management data.

Scripted signal configurations

For scripted signal configurations, most aspects of the signal configuration are defined or modified outside of the Empirica Signal application based on your organization's requirements. You can modify some aspects of the signal configuration.

For example, you can:

·        Add and edit signal comment types.

·        Enable or disable review periods.

·        Edit the column headers and column descriptions on the Products table.

·        Edit the column headers and column descriptions on the Product-Event Combinations tables.

·        Define values for Category, Complexity, and Organization product properties.