Typing values in text boxes

Throughout Empirica Signal, you have the option of selecting or typing values. For example, you might specify the value of an Event item variable by doing one of the following:

·        Selecting a MedDRA term using the hierarchy browser.

·        Selecting a value from a list of available values.

·        Selecting a saved list of values.

·        Typing a value.

To prevent spelling and capitalization errors, Oracle recommends that you select rather than type values. However, if you prefer to type values, do the following:

·        Match the spelling and case of the intended values exactly.

·        Separate the values using commas.

·        To type a value that contains a comma, enclose the value in double quotation marks, for example, "Diabetes, Type II".

·        To type a value that includes a backslash or double quotation mark, precede the backslash or double quotation mark with a backslash, for example, Cold\\flu or \"Terrible\"headache.