Apply a user profile

A user profile is a set of attributes (login group and quota), user roles, permissions, and default user preferences that can be applied to users. (For more details, see Add or edit a user profile.)

When you apply a user profile to an existing user, the information in the profile replaces any previous settings for the user.

After applying a user profile to a user, you can modify settings further for the user. (However, the changes are lost if you re-apply the profile.)

Note: Once you have applied a user profile to a user, there is no further association between the user profile and the user. For example, if the user profile is subsequently modified or deleted, users to whom the profile was applied are not affected.

1.         In the left navigation pane, click the Settings icon (Settings icon).

2.         In the Manage Users section, click Edit Users.

3.         Click the user's Row Action menu (Row Action menu icon), and then click Edit. You can edit only users in the same login group as you.

4.         Click Apply User Profile (which is available only if there are existing user profiles).

5.         From the User Profiles list, click a user profile, associated with your login group, to be associated with the user.

6.         Click Save.

Note: If you apply a user profile to a user who is currently logged in, any changes that you make to the profile affect that user the next time the user logs in.