Add a data configuration

When you add a data configuration, you specify information about the data configuration as a whole and you add data configuration variables. Another option is to copy an existing data configuration and edit it as needed.

The only required attributes of a data configuration are its name, drill-down map, and configuration table name. You might want to create the data configuration with only those attributes, add variables to the data configuration, and then edit the data configuration to specify additional attributes. Also note that some data configuration attributes, such as permissions to the data configuration, must be specified during editing (not during creation).

1.         In the left navigation pane, click the Settings icon (Settings icon).

2.         In the Configure System section, click Manage Configurations.

3.         Click Add Configuration.

4.         If you have not already done so during your current Empirica Signal session, you must connect to the Oracle account that will contain the configuration.

A.       From the list of accounts, click the account in which you want to add the new configuration.

B.       In the Oracle account field, leave the existing value or enter a different value, and then click OK.

When the system has connected, the Add Configuration page appears.

5.         In the Name and Description fields, enter a unique name and a description for the configuration.

During Empirica Signal activities, users select a configuration to use. The name and description are important and should provide information about the source data. For example, an AERS configuration might be named 2012Q4: AERS+SRS (S + C)", indicating the year and quarter, the fact that SRS data is included, and the fact that both suspect (S) and concomitant (C) drugs are included.

Note: If a data configuration was deleted by reference only, it is still in the database and you cannot create a new configuration with the same name.

6.         Next to the Drilldown Map field, click Select/Edit Table to specify a drilldown map table. Select the table from the Select Drilldown Table drop-down list and click OK. If you do not specify a drilldown map table, the configuration will not pass validation.

Note: If the source data is timestamped, then for each table referenced by the drilldown map table, there must be at least one variable included in the configuration.

7.         Next to the Source Description Table field, click Select Table to select a table that has been set up as a source description table in the Oracle account to which you are connected. For timestamped data, you should always specify a source description table. If the data is not timestamped, the source description table is optional. In the Select Table dialog box, click a table and click Save.

8.         To make the configuration unavailable for data mining runs, check Hide from Data Mining. The configuration can then be used for other activities, such as querying and reporting, but not for data mining. For example, you should not use for data mining a configuration pointing to source data from which duplicates have not been removed.

9.         To identify the configuration as including cases with suspect and concomitant drugs, check Database includes Concomitant Drugs. If the configuration includes suspect drugs only, clear this check box.

10.   If the source data includes timestamped data, allowing for the recreation of data as of a particular point in time, check Database is Timestamped.

11.   If you have not checked Database is Timestamped, provide the name of a Drug Hierarchy Account, an Event Hierarchy Account, or both by selecting them from the drop-down lists.


If you have checked Database is Timestamped, click Select/Edit Table to define hierarchy accounts for specified time periods.

If you want to associate drug variables or event variables in the configuration with a dictionary that defines a hierarchy of terms, see Drug and event hierarchies.

A.        Select the drug hierarchy value from the Drug Hierarchy Account field.

By default, the value selected is None.

B.        Select the event hierarchy value from the Event Hierarchy Account field.

By default, the value selected is None.

12.   In the Configuration Table Name field, enter the unique name of the table to hold the new configuration in the Oracle account to which you are connected. The table name cannot start with a number, and cannot be edited.

13.   Click Save.

14.   Prior to validating the configuration in the Modify Configuration page, you must add variables. To add configuration variables to the configuration, click Add New Variable.