View existing case series


Case series actions

Row Action menu options

The Case Series page provides information about existing case series and enables you to define new case series.

For the selected project and data configuration, the Case Series page lists case series that you have created or that have been published to you. If you have the Administer Users permission, the page also lists unpublished case series created by any users in your login group.

1.         In the left navigation pane, hover on the Data Analysis icon (Data Analysis icon), then click Case Series.

2.         (Optional) Filter the list as necessary.

·      From the Project drop-down list, select the project for which you want to view case series or -- to include all projects.

·      From the Configuration drop-down list, select the data configuration for which you want to view case series or -- to include all configurations.

The selected case series appear. See About case series for information about the case series.

Case series actions

·        Use the links at the top of the page to customize the columns, print the table, and download the data.

·        To print, download, combine, or delete multiple case series, click Select Rows. You can then check the rows for the case series on which you want to act. You can also click Select All to check all rows (or click Clear All to uncheck all rows). From the menu, click the action that you want to perform on the selected rows. For more information see About tables.

·        To create a case series by defining a query, click Create Using Query Wizard.

·        To create an empty case series to which you manually add case IDs, click Create Empty Case Series.

·        To compute Proportional Reporting Ratios (PRR) for a set of previously defined case series, click PRR Calculator.

Row Action menu options

Click a case series' Row Action menu (Row Action menu icon) to do the following:

·        To view a case series, click View Cases.

·        To view a query, click View Query.

·        To edit a query, click Edit Query.

·        To rename a case series, click Rename. You can also change its description or assign it to a different project.

·        To view existing report definitions, which you can run on the case series, click Report.

·        To publish a case series, click Publish. You can publish any case series that you created. If you have the Administer Users permission, you can publish a case series created by any user in your login group.

·        To add a query to the library, click Add Query to Library.

·        To copy a case series, click Copy. You must have access to the configuration on which the case series is based. You can copy any case series that you created or that has been published to your login group. If you have the Administer Users permission, you can copy a case series published to any login group.

·        To delete a case series, click Delete. You can delete any case series that you created. When a message asks if you want to delete the case series, click OK. The case series is deleted and no longer appears on your Case Series page.

Note: Before deleting a query-based case series, you can save the query portion of the case series with the Add Query to Library option.