Step 6: Preview a report

1.         In the left navigation pane, hover on the Data Analysis icon (Data Analysis icon), then click Report Definitions.

2.         On the Report Definitions page, accept the case series shown or click Browse to the right of Case Series to display the Select Case Series page and select a case series.

3.         Click a Report Definition's Row Action menu (Row Action menu icon), then click Edit.

4.         Create or edit a report definition.

5.         Click Preview to check that the report definition is set up as you want it before you save or run the report. The Report Preview page shows data for only the first 10 cases of the selected case series or the first 10 cases found by the query.

Note: You can preview only a valid report definition. A report definition is valid if it includes at least one row variable and one column variable, and there are no error messages displayed on the Edit Report Columns page.