Step 3: Preview the query

1.         In the left navigation pane, hover on the Data Analysis icon (Data Analysis icon), then click Queries.

2.         At the top left of the Queries page, click Create Using Query Wizard.  

3.         On the Select Configuration page, select a data configuration from the Configuration drop-down list or click Browse to select from a list of data configurations.

4.         Click Next.

5.          On the Define Query page, click Select Variables.

6.         Follow the directions in steps 5 through 13 on Step 1: Use the Query Wizard to create a query, then click Next.

The Preview Query page appears, providing the following information:

·      The data source, which is the name of the data configuration on which the query is based.

·      The logic of the query and a description of each condition in the query.

Note: If query values were not specified for a variable, the value for the variable appears as ?.

The number of cases to be retrieved by the query (if you checked Display Case Count in Query Preview on the Define Query page).

7.         To preview the query results, click Preview Cases.

This option is available only if you specified values for all variables and site option Allow Case Count on Query Preview page is enabled.

8.         Click Next to save the query.