Rename a data mining run

1.         In the left navigation pane, hover on the Data Analysis icon (Data Analysis icon), then click Data Mining Runs.

2.         From the Project drop-down list, select a project, or select -- to include all projects.

3.         From the Configuration drop-down list, select a data configuration, or select -- to include all configurations.

4.         Select the Row Action menu icon (Row Action menu icon) for a run, and then click Rename.

5.         In the Run name field, enter a new name for the run. The name does not need to be unique, although we recommend that you use a unique name.

6.         In the Description field, enter a new description. Oracle recommends that you provide an informative description of the run so that users who view run results know which run to use.

7.         Assign the run to a project.

·      To assign the run to an existing project, click Add to existing project and select from a list of projects associated with objects that you created or that are published to you.

·      To create a new project and assign the run to it, click Add to a new project named and enter a project name.

8.         Click OK.