View sector map statistics

1.         On the sector map or in the zoom window, click a PT tile.

2.         From the menu, click Statistics.

A dialog box appears showing the following statistics for the combination of the product and event:

·      N—Observed number of cases.

·      EBGM—Empirical Bayesian Geometric Mean. A more stable estimate than RR; the so-called shrinkage estimate. For more information, see MGPS computations.

·      EB05—A 5% probability value that the true Relative Ratio lies below it.

·      PRR—Proportional Reporting Ratio. For more information, see PRR computations. The PRR and Chi-statistic are available only if the data mining run was set up to compute PRR.

·      Chi-statistic—Chi-statistic associated with the PRR. (If EBGM < 1, the Chi-statistic is expressed as a negative number, indicating that the product-event combination is more rare than expected). The Chi-statistic is the signed square root of Chi-square.

3.         To close the dialog box, click Close.