Add saved lists in bulk

On the Saved Lists page, the Add Lists in Bulk option enables you to add multiple saved lists at the same time. You can use this feature only if you are a superuser. If you are interested in using this feature, contact Oracle.

1.         In the left navigation pane, click the Settings icon (Settings icon).

2.         Click Manage Saved Lists.

3.         Click Add Lists in Bulk.

4.         On the Saved List Bulk Entry page, enter the configuration or click Browse to select a configuration.

5.         From the Variable drop-down list, select a variable.

6.         In the List_Name List_Value text box, enter the contents of one or more saved lists.

Each line must contain a List_name and List_Value, separated by a tab.

7.         Click Save.

Note: The content you enter is not validated.