Topics by State report

On the Topics by State report, you can view topic information for the selected topics in specified topic states. The links in the upper left-hand corner of the report allow you to return to the previous page, manage the columns, print the report, and download the report.

You can view the topic information that includes these standard fields. The page also includes columns for any custom topic fields that your organization adds. The Display Name of each field is used as column headers.



Current state

Indicates the state of the topic in the topic workflow. States are defined by your organization to represent the expected workflow and are specified in the topic workflow configuration.

Topic ID

Unique identifying number for the topic.


Name of the topic.


The resolution, if any, provided for the topic.

Resolution date

Date and time when a resolution was provided.


Keywords associated with the topic.

Reason for change

Last reason for change, if any, provided for the topic.

Assigned to user

Name of the user to whom the topic is assigned currently.

Topic description

Description of the topic.


Date and time when the topic was created.

Created By

Name of the user who created the topic.

Last Modified

Date and time when the topic was last modified.

Last Modified By

Name of the user who last modified the topic.