View existing work teams

1.         In the left navigation pane, click the Settings icon (Settings icon).

2.         In the Manage Users section, click Edit Work Teams.

The Edit Work Teams page provides the following information about each work team:




Name of the work team.


Description of the work team.

Login Group

Name of the work team's login group.

All Users

Yes, if the work team is set up to include all users in the login group automatically. When a new user is added to the login group, he or she is also added to the work team and given the default set of work team permissions.

No, if users in the login group are selected individually for inclusion in the work team, and are listed in the Users column. New users must be added to the work team manually.


Blank, if all users in the login group are in the work team. Otherwise, lists the name of each work team member.

Created By

Name of the user who created the work team.


Date and time when the work team was created.

Modified By

Name of the user who last modified the work team.


Date and time when the work team was last modified.


Identifier that was assigned automatically when the work team was created. Each work team ID is unique and is not re-used if the work team is deleted.

The table might also include columns for custom fields added by your organization.

3.         Perform the following optional activity: add a new work team. Click Add Work Team. Only users with the Administer Users user permission can add work teams. For more information, see Add or edit a work team.

4.         If you click the Row Action menu (Row Action menu icon) for a work team, you can do the following:

·      To edit a work team, including adding new members, click Edit.

·      To assign work team permissions to members, click Assign Work Team Permissions.

·      To delete a work team, click Delete. Only users with the Administer Users user permission can delete a work team, and a work team cannot be deleted if any topics have been made visible to it.

For information about viewing, printing, or downloading tables or changing the way data displays in the table, see About tables.