HDR Conformant Vocabulary
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HDR Version 7 HL7 Version 3 Messaging Conformance Specification
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2 HDR Conformant Vocabulary


The contemporary healthcare domain requires the use of a variety of code systems for functions such as billing, epidemiological reporting, and ordering or documenting clinical services. Healthcare providers and administrators are under increasing pressure to evaluate the quality, effectiveness, and cost of clinical care. The data necessary for this analysis contained in clinical records, includes a wide array of conceptually redundant terms and phrases, typically in the same clinical record. This makes computer processing to support quality of care review, utilization review, and other aggregate analyses problematic.

The terminology problem is one of the greatest obstacles to the automated use of computer-based clinical information for administrative purposes, health outcomes analysis, and clinical care.

The solution to the terminology problem lies in the use of concept representation systems, controlled sets of codes and terms that represent concepts. Concept representation systems provide the symbolic representations that enable computer processing while also providing appropriate natural language display for human users.

Healthcare applications utilizing a core set of concepts enable semantic interoperability, support the use of decision support, and facilitate the delivery of contextually appropriate information at the point of care, a key requirement for improving both clinical care and resource utilization.

Accepted best terminology practices in healthcare informatics include immutable concepts (concepts that do not change over time), context-free concept identifiers (the code used to identify a concept does not indicate a position in a taxonomy), allowed synonymy, and ontological support (concept-to-concept relationship information). Due to the development and maintenance costs of terminology systems, it is unlikely that a single, monolithic concept representation system will emerge with broad coverage of medicine. It is more likely that specialized terminology systems and code sets will continue to be developed, each covering a particular medical concept space.

This demands an application solution implementing access to various terminological or code systems using a standard interface. This is the goal of Oracle's Enterprise Terminology Services (ETS). The ETS component of Oracle Healthcare Data Repository (HDR) implements access to terminology systems that form the basis for a common concept space.

This section contains the following topics:

2.1 HL7 Vocabulary Domains
2.2 HDR Concept Lists
2.3 Extensibility
2.4 HDR Master Catalog
2.5 RMIM Vocabulary Constraints
2.6 Coded Datatype Component
2.7 First Data Bank Drug Codes in Messaging


2.1 HL7 Vocabulary Domains

Each coded attribute in the RIM is associated with a vocabulary domain. Within HL7, a vocabulary domain is the set of all concepts that can be taken as valid values in an instance of a coded field or attribute. For several of these vocabulary domains, HL7 provides vocabulary content in the form of HL7 code systems and concepts. These HL7 code systems are distributed with HDR as part of the seeded vocabulary content in ETS.

For some other vocabulary domains, HL7 references an external code system but does not specify the contents. In such cases, HDR has included the code system if it can be distributed without a license. There are three such code systems: NUBC-UB92, IETF RFC 1766 (ISO 639-1), and ISO 3166-1. Note that new versions of these code systems are not included in each HDR release. This content is available to customers from HDR's content management partner.


2.2 HDR Concept List

Since the HDR repository is based on the RIM, there is a one to one correspondence between RIM coded attributes and HDR coded attributes. Each HDR coded attribute is bound to a unique seeded concept list that represents the vocabulary domain of the corresponding RIM attribute. For example, the disabilityCode attribute in the Person class is bound to the CL_PSN_DISABILITY_CODE concept list.

If a coded attribute has a vocabulary domain with HL7 specified content, the corresponding concept list is seeded with that content. For example, the RIM specifies PersonDisabilityType as the vocabulary domain for Person.disabilityCode. HL7 provides a code system with disability concepts to populate this domain. All these concepts have been seeded in the CL_PSN_DISABILITY_CODE concept list.

When RIM based objects are submitted by HDR APIs for persistence, the contents of most coded attributes undergo two forms of validation:

If either validation fails, the submission is rejected.

The inbound message processing service also uses these RIM based objects and APIs to persist information from received messages. Therefore, inbound messages are subject to the same validation. If the value in a coded attribute of a received message does not appear in the corresponding HDR concept list (with the exceptions noted above), the message will be rejected.


2.3 Extensibility

The vocabulary domain specification for a coded attribute in the RIM is accompanied by an Extensibility Qualifier. The Extensibility Qualifier has two possible values:

The CWE value for the Extensibility Qualifier means that the code set can be expanded to meet local implementation needs. In HDR, the concept lists corresponding to such attributes are defined as extensible concept lists. This means that while HL7 concepts that are already seeded may not be removed, additional concepts from any ETS code system may be added to suit the list to local needs.

HL7 terminology has been supplemented with three external code systems referenced by HL7 -- NUBC-UB92, IETF RFC 1766 (ISO 639-1), and ISO 3166-1. In addition, an Oracle-maintained code system, HDR Supplemental, provides additional coded terms that are required to support HDR solution areas, but are presently unavailable from standard HL7 code systems.

The CNE value for the Extensibility Qualifier means that the code set is fixed and cannot be extended. A concept from the specified domain must be sent as the value of the coded field in a message. In HDR, concept lists corresponding to such attributes are defined as system concept lists. This means that concepts can not be added or removed from these lists. These concept lists will always contain the finite content specified by HL7 and seeded by Oracle.

RIM attributes that have CNE vocabulary domains are referred to as structural attributes because their value establishes essential properties such as the class and status of an object. By tightly controlling these codes and their meanings, HL7 ensures that systems based on a particular version of the RIM share a basic degree of interoperability.

Some RIM datatypes have coded components with CNE vocabulary domains represented in HDR using system concept lists.

The following table lists the structural attributes and their system concept lists:

Table 2.3-1 HDR Structural Coded Attributes and Concept Lists
Class Attribute Concept List Name
ActRelationship CheckpointCode CL_ACTREL_CHECKPOINT_CODE
ActRelationship ConjunctionCode CL_ACTREL_CONJUNCTION_CODE
ActRelationship ContextControlCode CL_ACTREL_CONTEXT_CONTROL_CODE
ActRelationship JoinCode CL_ACTREL_JOIN_CODE
ActRelationship SplitCode CL_ACTREL_SPLIT_CODE
ActRelationship TypeCode CL_ACTREL_TYPE_CODE
ActRelationship UncertaintyCode CL_ACTREL_UNCERTAINTY_CODE
Entity ClassCode CL_ENT_CLASS_CODE
Entity DeterminerCode CL_ENT_DETERMINER_CODE
Entity StatusCode CL_ENT_STATUS_CODE
ManagedParticipation StatusCode CL_MNPRTCPN_STATUS_CODE
Participation ContextControlCode CL_PRTCPN_CONTEXT_CONTROL_CODE
Participation SignatureCode CL_PRTCPN_SIGNATURE_CODE
Participation TypeCode CL_PRTCPN_TYPE_CODE

The following table lists coded datatype components and their system concept lists:

Table 2.3-2 HDR Coded Datatype Components and Concept Lists
Datatype Component Concept List Name

The following table lists non structural coded attributes and their extensible concept lists:

Table 2.3-3 HDR Non Structural Coded Attributes and Concept List
Class Attribute Concept List Name
Account CurrencyCode CL_ACCT_CURRENCY_CODE
Container CapTypeCode CL_CONT_CAP_TYPE_CODE
Container SeparatorTypeCode CL_CONT_SEPARATOR_TYPE_CODE
Device SoftwareName CL_DEV_SOFTWARE_NAME
DiagnosticImage SubjectOrientationCode CL_DGIMG_SUBJECT_ORIENTATION_CODE
Document CompletionCode CL_DOC_COMPLETION_CODE
Document StorageCode CL_DOC_STORAGE_CODE
Employee JobClassCode CL_EMP_JOB_CLASS_CODE
Employee JobCode CL_EMP_JOB_CODE
Employee JobTitleName CL_EMP_JOB_TITLE_NAME
Employee SalaryTypeCode CL_EMP_SALARY_TYPE_CODE
Entity HandlingCode CL_ENT_HANDLING_CODE
Entity RiskCode CL_ENT_RISK_CODE
FinancialContract PaymentTermsCode CL_FCNTRCT_PAYMENT_TERMS_CODE
InvoiceElement ModifierCode CL_INVE_MODIFIER_CODE
LanguageCommunication ModeCode CL_LANGCOM_MODE_CODE
LanguageCommunication ProficiencyLevelCode CL_LANGCOM_PROFICIENCY_LEVEL_CODE
LivingSubject AdministrativeGenderCode CL_LIV_ADMINISTRATIVE_GENDER_CODE
Material FormCode CL_MAT_FORM_CODE
NonPersonLivingSubject GenderStatusCode CL_NLIV_GENDER_STATUS_CODE
Observation InterpretationCode CL_OBS_INTERPRETATION_CODE
Observation MethodCode CL_OBS_METHOD_CODE
Observation TargetSiteCode CL_OBS_TARGET_SITE_CODE
Organization StandardIndustryClassCode CL_ORG_STANDARD_INDUSTRY_CLASS_CODE
Participation AwarenessCode CL_PRTCPN_AWARENESS_CODE
Participation FunctionCode CL_PRTCPN_FUNCTION_CODE
Participation ModeCode CL_PRTCPN_MODE_CODE
Participation SubstitutionConditionCode CL_PRTCPN_SUBSTITUTION_CONDITION_CODE
Patient ConfidentialityCode CL_PAT_CONFIDENTIALITY_CODE
PatientEncounter AcuityLevelCode CL_ENC_ACUITY_LEVEL_CODE
PatientEncounter AdmissionReferralSourceCode CL_ENC_ADMISSION_REFERRAL_SOURCE_CODE
PatientEncounter DischargeDispositionCode CL_ENC_DISCHARGE_DISPOSITION_CODE
PatientEncounter SpecialAccommodationCode CL_ENC_SPECIAL_ACCOMMODATION_CODE
PatientEncounter SpecialArrangementCode CL_ENC_SPECIAL_ARRANGEMENT_CODE
PatientEncounter SpecialCourtesiesCode CL_ENC_SPECIAL_COURTESIES_CODE
Person DisabilityCode CL_PSN_DISABILITY_CODE
Person RaceCode CL_PSN_RACE_CODE
Procedure ApproachSiteCode CL_PROC_APPROACH_SITE_CODE
Procedure MethodCode CL_PROC_METHOD_CODE
Procedure TargetSiteCode CL_PROC_TARGET_SITE_CODE
PublicHealthCase DetectionMethodCode CL_CASE_DETECTION_METHOD_CODE
PublicHealthCase DiseaseImportedCode CL_CASE_DISEASE_IMPORTED_CODE
PublicHealthCase TransmissionModeCode CL_CASE_TRANSMISSION_MODE_CODE
SubstanceAdministration AdministrationUnitCode CL_SBADM_ADMINISTRATION_UNIT_CODE
SubstanceAdministration ApproachSiteCode CL_SBADM_APPROACH_SITE_CODE
SubstanceAdministration MethodCode CL_SBADM_METHOD_CODE
SubstanceAdministration RouteCode CL_SBADM_ROUTE_CODE
WorkingList OwnershipLevelCode CL_LIST_OWNERSHIP_LEVEL_CODE

For details about the content seeded in each list, refer to the Oracle Healthcare Data Repository Javadoc.


2.4 HDR Master Catalog

Acts, Roles, and Entities have a special subset of attributes that establish the type of action, competency or thing that they represent.

The Master Catalog is a mechanism by which one can configure the specific types of Acts, Roles and Entities that are valid for a particular HDR installation. Any Act, Role, or Entity that is part of an inbound message must be valid according to current Master Catalog configuration for the message to be successfully processed.

For focal classes, the message processor performs additional validation by verifying that it matches the Master Catalog entry configured for that specific trigger event.

For additional information about the Master Catalog, refer to the Implementing Master Catalog section of the Oracle Healthcare Data Repository Implementation Guide.


2.5 RMIM Vocabulary Constraints

When RMIMs are created, one of the constraints that can be applied to a RIM coded attributes is to further restrict the vocabulary domain. This restriction can assume one of the following forms:

  1. A single leaf code from the vocabulary domain is chosen as the only allowed value. When this restriction is applied to one of the attributes in Table 2.5-1, the value is represented as a default for that attribute in the XSD. The expectation is that the sending system or interface engine will default the attribute to that value if no value is available or supplied.
Table 2.5-1 RIM Attributes with defaults in XSD
Class Attribute
Act classCode
Act moodCode
Act levelCode
Role classCode
Entity classCode
Entity determinerCode
Participation typeCode
Participation contextControlCode
ActRelationship typeCode
ActRelationship contextControlCode
When the outbound message processor is requested to generate a message based on such an XSD, it will automatically populate the defaults for these attributes if they do not have any values in the repository. See Figure 2.5-2 below for an example.

Defaults represented in XSD

Figure: 2.5-2 Example of defaults represented in XSD

   <xs:complexType name="COCT_MT030200HT03.ProviderPerson">

    <xs:attribute name="classCode" type="EntityClass" default="PSN"/>

      <xs:attribute name="determinerCode" type="EntityDeterminer" default="INSTANCE"/>

The HDR inbound message processor does not validate that a code sent in such an attribute matches the default specified in the schema. However, Concept List validations and Master Catalog validations are always performed.

For all other coded attributes, any leaf code restriction of the vocabulary domain is not represented in the schema. Implementers must consult the RMIMs, HMDs, and this document to determine if a restriction is important for their business process and enforce it accordingly.
  1. An abstract or specialized code from the vocabulary domain is chosen as the restriction. In HL7 terms, this means that the value for that attribute must be restricted to a specialized code or leaf code that is a child of the specified code.

    The HDR inbound message processor does not validate that a code sent in such an attribute matches a child of the specified code. This type of restriction is not represented in the schema. Implementers must consult the respective RMIMs, and HMDs to determine if a restriction is important for their business process and enforce it accordingly.
  2. A free text code or description is provided in the RMIM. This convention is used when the desired code is not provided by HL7 and comes from an external code system. In these cases, the implementer must consult the RMIM to determine the actual code and code system that is recommended.

    The HDR inbound message processor does not validate that a code sent in such an attribute matches the restriction. This type of restriction is not represented in the schema. Implementers must consult respective RMIM to determine if a restriction is important for their business process and enforce it accordingly.


2.6 Coded Datatype Component

There are two pieces of information that are needed in order to resolve an HL7 coded datatype into a concept that HDR understands. These are the code system and code. A code system version may also be sent; in its absence, the default configured in ETS is adopted.

For structural attributes, the coded datatype is CS. It allows only the code component. This is adequate in these cases because the set of codes for each attribute is tightly regulated by HL7 and is implicit in every message that is based on a particular RIM version.

For other attributes that have CE or CD as the datatype, the code system and code must be sent.

There are two components of coded datatypes that can be used to reference the code system. These are:

For HDR Conformance, the codeSystem should be sent. This will ensure the greatest interoperability since the human readable codeSystemNames have not been standardized. However, message processing will succeed even if the codeSystemName is sent instead. When a codeSystemName is sent, it should correspond exactly to the name assigned by the ETS Administrator at the time of loading the terminology. For example, if the ETS Administrator loaded ICD codes using the name ICD-9-CM, a message that referred to the codeSystemName as ICD9-CM would fail.

For the names and OIDs of code systems that are supported by ETS, refer to the Oracle Healthcare Data Repository Implementation Guide.


2.7 First Data Bank Drug Codes in Messaging

ETS stores a modified version of codes from FirstDataBank's National Drug Data File Plus (NDDF Plus) product. To each code, a suffix is appended depending upon the type of concept. This creates a unique code for all the concepts in the ETS FDB coding scheme.

Codes from NDDF that are sent to HDR in HL7 messages must be appended with the following suffixes:

Table 2.7-1 FDB Code Suffixes
FDB Concept Type Suffix
Allergy Groups -AGRP
Dosage Forms -DF
Hierarchical Ingredient Codes -HIC
MED Medications -MED
MED Routed Dosage Form Medications -RDFM
MED Routed Medications -RTMED
MED Medication Names -MEDNM
Routes -RT

For example, an FDB MED Medication Name concept with code 00002835 must be sent to HDR with the code set to 00002835-MEDNM and the codeSystemName set to FDB. FDB NDDF Codes received from HDR also carry these suffixes.


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